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P. 12

inscriptions? And the lace of dyed hair? No. It would not be so easy to qualify the set.

                      Even though it seems incredible, something was missing in the cell of Belicena Villca: the
               briefcase  with  all  her  writings.  When  the  police  knew  about  the  content  of  it,  and  after
               considering  it  as  absolutely  worthless,  discounted  immediately  a  possible  entailment  to  the
               cause of the crime: before, they tried to persuade us that the briefcase could have ended in the
               Hospital incinerator, either by accident, or due to a reprisal of an annoyed nurse produced by
               the excessive zeal on the care of the patient.

               Chapter IV

                      It was well-known about Belicena Villca in the Hospital. She came in December of 1978
               in an ambulance of the army. Two husky noncommissioned officers accompanied her to the
               office of the Director and gave to him, a letter of the foreman of the 230 Cavalry Regiment
               from Salta, Colonel Mario Pérez, with a packet containing documentation and a medical record.
               In the letter, Dr. Cortez informed us later that the colonel requested to sign in Belicena Villca
               as  a  patient  of  the  Hospital  «who  suffered  from  a  mental  disease  properly  proven  by  the
               military physicians who signed the attached studies». The woman natal from the Province of
               Tucumán  had  only  one  son  who  disappeared  during  the  Great  Repression  of  1977.  Ignoring
               where  he  is,  and,  apparently  due  to  the  certainty  that  the  authorities  refused  her  any
               information, she started to move resolutely through many Provinces of the Argentinean North
               and even she left the country, traveling through the interior of Bolivia and Peru. That behavior
               resulted suspicious to the Intelligence Agencies, who submitted her to an intense surveillance
               and finally arrested her.

                      Was during the hard interrogatories when was considered the possibility that Belicena
               Villca was mentally unbalanced, and because of this, after consulting the military physicians,
               was  disposed  her  transference  to  the  Neuropsychiatric  Hospital  Dr.  Javier  Patrón  Isla.  In
               regard to her son, the Army knew nothing with respect to his location, neither if he militated in
               a subversive organization; his disappearance warned the authorities due to, was thought that
               he passed to clandestinity. This idea was stated when the surprising activity of her mother was
               known, reason that finally motivated her detention. The precedent information provided by
               the Colonel was to not give credit to the stories or the claims that the patient could make.

                      According  to  Dr.  Cortez  the  tone  of  the  letter  admitted  no  response;  was  almost  an

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