Page 14 - Microsoft Word - Belicena respaldo
P. 14
imagine neither remotely; that someday I would make unused efforts to remember each one of
her words to analyze them with great respect.
Chapter V
Must not surprise that the police stored the case a little after they began the
investigation because, after every step they made to clarify it, all turned more confuse, being
unjustifiable to give such effort in a crime which seemed that, nobody was interested to
resolve. In first place, because Belicena Villca had not known family to claim for justice; but,
mainly, due to the mystery that surrounded the case: how entered the killer in the hermetically
closed cell?; why he used a valuable bejeweled rope to kill a defenseless alienated?; and, the
most incomprehensible: what could be the reason of the crime, the motive that could make
intelligible what happened?
There was no answer to these and other questions that then appeared and, as time
passed by without any advance, the case was prudently closed by the police.
Two months later no one was talking about the crime in the Neuropsychiatric Hospital were
few those who remembered the unfortunate Belicena Villca.
The daily routine, the fatiguing work, the quotidian and inevitable problems, all
contribute to make that the mundane man, submerged in the becoming of his Destiny,
becomes impermeable to the pain of others or to those phenomenons that not affect his
concrete reality.
I am not the exception to the rule and, concerning in what treats about is narrated here,
I would surely forgotten the horrible crime harassed by the obligations of my medical
residence, the attention of the consulting room, or the classes of the American anthropology
that I follow as a post-grade tertiary course.
I said «I’d have forgotten» because the story of Belicena Villca suddenly invaded my own
world deranging everything; consuming me up to the edge of the demential abyss in which she
As I said, the Police lost the interest promptly in the crime; then the declarations of
rigor taken on the subsequent days not disturbed us anymore and life returned to its normal
course. To the corpse of Belicena Villca was practiced an autopsy, which only served to confirm
what we already supposed: the death was caused by strangulation with the white rope. As she
had not known relatives, a telegram was sent to her unique visitor, a chaguanco (Indians from
the North of Argentina) apparently located in the Province of Tucumán; but with the pass of
time, without any visit of him, they proceeded to bury the rests in a local cemetery.
In those days, middle of January, in northern midsummer, my only preoccupation
consisted in to prepare the annual leave which started the day 20 and were extended to the
ends of February. Undoubtedly I would have time to do some excursions and to prepare the
matter that I’d render in March.
At that time, in a visit that I made to the Anthropology Faculty of Salta to enroll me in a
final test, I met with the prestigious Professor Pablo Ramirez, Doctor of Philology, who I knew