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P. 11

language they belonged: «ada aes sidhe draoi mac hwch». The Hebrew words on their part,
               said; in the pomegranate חנוב; and in the clover חבחו.

                      As will be understood, this curious bejeweled rope gave all the sensation to be something
               of ceremonial or religious use, attribute that officer Maidana noticed immediately because at
               the first moment when he examined, he couldn't avoid an expression of repugnance and an

                      –Puagh! This is something Jew!

               Chapter III

                      I  know  that  many  powerful  people  of  my  country  consider  that  every  correct  police
               officer of our country must indispensably profess the «Nationalist Ideology»; and I also know
               that such indefinable ideology is opposed to the great Internationalisms as the Marxism, the
               Masonry, the Zionism, the multinational corporations, etc., and even the foreign policy of the
               imperialist  powers.  In  the  nationalist  ideology  it  is  a  common  belief  that  all  those  vast
               organizations converge in one summit of power, situated in some place of the world, real Secret
               Government which they call «International Synarchy».

                      The  Synarchy  would  have  developed  a  Strategy  which  execution  will  aim  to  the
               establishment of a World Government that would reign over all the Nations of the Earth. The
               differences  and  contradictions  that  are  adverted  amongst  all  the  aforementioned  great
               organizations would be of tactical order and purely exterior; in the apex of power all of them
               would agree, and the general efforts would be aimed to the accomplishment of the Synarchic

                      In the nationalist ideology it is a dogma, since a century, that the Synarchy had been
               founded  by  the  Jews  with  the  pretension  to  assure  the  control  over  the  World  to  give
               fulfillment  to  the  prophecies  in  the  Bible  and  the  commandments  of  the  Talmud.  For  this
               reason the nationalists that have these ideas usually ardently hate Jews.

                      I  wasn't  surprised  then,  about  the  Anti-Jewish  exclamation  of  officer  Maidana;  but,
               having  in  mind  that  it  was  a  hasty  impression,  I  tried  to  make  him  comprehend  that  to
               attribute a Jew origin to the homicidal rope, just because the medals had the form of a Star of
               David, was at least adventurous: indeed, such symbol is also used by other religions or sects as
               the Masonry, Theosophy, the Rosicrucian, Christian Churches, etc. Also, I told him, were the
               pomegranate  and  the  clover  constituting  a  strange  combination?;  and  the  indecipherable
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