Page 15 - Microsoft Word - Belicena respaldo
P. 15
because I assisted to some of his Amerindian Language classes. When I saw him, I impromptu
thought, to ask him something:
–Good morning Dr. Ramirez. If it not bothers you to lose just one moment I’d like to ask
you something...
–Good morning Dr. Arturo Siegnagel – Replied while he was leaning his hairless head–
You say.
–Look Dr. Ramirez, a few days ago died a patient in the Neuropsychiatric Hospital where
I am Medic and, after she died, she pronounced a word in «Quechua», something like
«pachachutquiy»; I translate pacha = World, chutquiy = dismember: that's to say «dismember
the World». As this has no sense, I’ld like you to tell me if there is some other acceptation for
this word.
–I was trying to not give any information relating to the strange death. Professor
Ramirez heard my translation with visible displeasure.
–Whence was natal your patient?
–From the Province of Tucumán; it seems that she always lived in the calchaquíes valleys,
even if she lately had travelled to the North, including Peru and Bolivia. But from those
journeys I don’t know anything because she never accepted to comment them.
–Well– impatiently said Dr. Ramirez–. As you know Quechua has many dialects; but
according to the affiliation that you gave me, I suggest you to consider this: even if pacha is the
«World», or the «Earth», as pachamama = Mother Earth, in «quechua santiagueño» pacha also
means «Time». In this dialect, «chutquiy» is the transitive verb «dislocate», so, the word would
mean «to dislocate Time»; or «dislocation of Time», in a more actual sense.
I must confess that an alarm feeling invaded me while I was hearing the old Professor,
because something interior, a secret instinct, was telling me screaming that if there could be an
explanation to the murder of Belicena Villca, this one was beyond any normal comprehension,
in an ambit that would surely reign ignored laws for men. What was this «Time dislocation»?
But an obscure concept, incomprehensible, which resists to the reason but keeps an evident
nexus with the murder? How can be understood, if it is not accepted the intervention of the
unknown, the fact that someone or something can enter to a locked cell, commit a murder, and
go serenely, leaving behind the mortal rope, or in other words, the proof of the inexplicable
presence? Yes, there was like a calculated negligence in all this, as if the assassin wanted to give
a minimum proof of his terrible and immense power in a flaunt of demential pride.
Visible disturbed, I said goodbye to Professor Ramirez and I returned on my steps, while
a certainty was affirming more and more in my mind: Belicena Villca knew that a mortal danger
was stalking her when screamed pachachutquiy, pachachutquiy.