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P. 8

counsel  to  maintain  in  the  reserved  ambits  of  the  Clinical  History  and  the  personal
               expedient. But, while this was happening, the sudden death of Belicena Villca came to derange
               this  rational  perspective  and  took  me  to  think  that  History  registers  the  pass  of  venerable
               figures  by  the  cells  of  famous  madhouses.  I  remembered  Nietzsche,  Ezra  Pound,  Antonin
               Artaud, the chess player Morphy, the mathematician Cantor, and many others. I reasoned that
               those famous personages suffered from an acute schizophrenia, as my patient, which means
               that the consciousness remains fragmented  but not dissolved, and it is possible, eventually,
               that some temporal lucidity states can occur where the behavior is more or less normal. I said
               to myself that if Cantor elaborated the brilliant theory of the transfinite numbers in the mental
               hospital and if Nietzsche during his ten years of internee could quote Homer, Empedocles, and
               almost any classic, by rote, and in ancient Greek, was possible, in an infinite fewer way that the
               narration of Belicena Villca was real in part. Of course, this apparently inconsistent syllogism
               will surprise the  reader; but  all this I thought  very  quickly, very  quickly:  because  Belicena
               Villca was murdered.

               Chapter II

                      That unpleasant incident perturbed the impeccable march of the Hospital submerging
               us in an indescribable state of discomfort and anguish. Specially affected was our Director, the
               eminent  Dr.  Cortez,  who  feared  that  the  scandal  could  reach  to  smirch  the  name  of  the
               illustrious local excellence that the Hospital had, fact that, according to his clear logic, would
               influence in the checks that the powerful family of the deceased gave monthly. I will not fatigue
               the reader with details because this case was very commented by the news and if it is desired
               can consult the newspaper «El Heraldo» from Salta, in the editions of the week from the 7 to the
               15 days of January 1980, where will find all the information. I will only remember here the
               essential,  due  to  the  development  of  this  veridical  case,  requires  to  consider  the  strange
               circumstances in which the crime occurred and the mystery that surrounded it; ... and that still
               persist,  because  the  Police  didn't  achieve  to  clarify  it  and  dignified  functionaries  manifest
               doubts about if that will be possible one day. Because two elements such absurd as irrational
               intervene  in  a  definitive  way  in  the  fatal  denouement,  impeding  any  possibility  to  realize
               coherent conjectures; the first is a verified unobjectionable fact: the crime was committed in a
               cell for psychotic patients hermetically closed by a heavy steel door, between the 0:00 hrs. and
               2:00 hrs. of January 6, without anyone, absolutely anyone would have entered during that
               lapse. This was proved, happily, due to a fortuitous incident.

                      In the last night before January 5, i.e., day of celebration of the Three Wise men, part of

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