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P. 502
narrated the story of my life, I’ve drawn some conclusions that would be good to have in
consideration. Above all, and just as I supposed since a beginning, I’ve checked that you’re not
prepared in nothing to face such mission. –I wanted to protest, but Uncle Kurt lifted his hand
in unappeable from and I decided to permit him to complete his exposition–. Attend well,
neffe: I didn’t say that you are not capable to carry it out but that you are not prepared yet to
undertake the mission. But you’ll be very soon if you comprehend my arguments and follow my
instructions letter by letter.
–Therefore, the first that you must understand is that a mission like this is never
initiated without previous detachment. I comprehend it, and you don’t need to explain it to me,
that such detachment is a state of spiritual consciousness that you experienced since the
moment in which you threw yourself to this adventure: right now you feel disconnected from
the world, free from the material chains. But, I must tell you with realism, that such attitude is
completely subjective, ingenuous, and obstructive to achieve the spiritual objective; an attitude
that doesn’t take in consideration the enemies that would try to prevent the fulfilment of the
mission, enemies gifted with terrible powers an absolute movility; an attitude, al last, which is
strategically suicicidal. Because, is really «disconnected from the world» who disposes to «fulfil
an spiritual mission» taking adventage of «the period of vacations»; who depends «of the
money» to travel, that is limited and that in some moment can be out of money; who
underestimate the enemy and leaves behind him, put of himself, «weak points» that can be
easily attacked and destroyed, it means, who travels without renouncing previously to the love
for «the things of the world», whatever it could be, the family, the pro-perties, the friends, the
habitual context were the daily rutine is developed, etc., all possible «targets» of the enemy’s
attacks? No neffe; who compromises himself in such way is pure and simple, a good man, but
never a good warrior: he will never reach to comply with his mission; the Enemy will stop him
hitting in his back, threatening or destroying «from outside» what he loves, that to what he is
really connected, tied or attached, even if he doesn’t admit or recognize it.
I understood his point of view immediately and I gave him the reason I nthe act: in
reality I still remained attached to many things and my journey could not have been more
improvised. Nevertheless, it was a little time from which I disposed to decide my Destiny.
Rather, Destiny decided for me, without giving me time to change, to wake up, to
«prepare» myself as Uncle Kurt pretended. All happened so fast! What should I do now? Is what
I’d ask to my Uncle:
–What else could I do in these circumtances, considering how the events occurred? –I
interrogated more for myself than for Uncle Kurt, trying to justify myself–. It is true, I still have
my job, but is that I didn’t think that could not return. And about the money: I am not rich and
you know it; and I don’t know really how I’ll do to obtain what I need if this adventure extends