Page 507 - Microsoft Word - Belicena respaldo
P. 507

official drum of the Hitlerjugend painted with black and white flames a Rune « » (S) from the

               ancient German alphabet futhark, with form of ray. The Hitlerjungend utilized the Rune « » but

               the  Schutzstaffel  was  authorized  to  employ  two  (  ).  There  was  also  a  letter  of  the
               Reichjugenführer Baldur von Schirach in which he confirmed that as a request of the Private
               Secretary of the Führer, Rudolph Hess, sent a drum for the distant Comrades of the Jungvolk of
               Egypt.  It  followed  a  large  list  of  concepts  and  ended  recomending  the  employment  of  the
               Hymn of the Hitler’s Youths:

                                                  Vorwärts! Vorwärts!

                                             Schettern die Hellen Fanfaren,

                                                  Vorwärts! Vorwärts!

                                              Jugen Kennt Keine Gefahre.

                                                  (Forward! Forward!

                                               Blare the bright fanfares

                                                   Forward! Forward!

                                             The youth knows no danger).

                      Was the firm of Baldur von Schirach and three words: Heil und Sieg.

                      That drum and letter gave me an unjustified fame amongst the German children of
               Cairo, while they stimulated my vocation to continue in the line of the Hitlerjugend.

                      In 1933 reached news to Egypt that the Führer, at the celebration of his birthday 44,
               would open the schools NAPOLA which were dissolved by the allies in 1920.

                      Would be the formation schools for the future German Elite and there the frameworks
               of  the  Hitler’s  Youth  would  be  train.Thinking  about  the  difficulty  to  ingress  on  it  being
               German-Egyptian,  Dad,  who  possessed  the  bitter  experience  to  be  not  considered  «Real
               German» during his studies in Bad-Godesberg, considered the possibility to appeal to Rudolph
               Hess to facilitate his admission.

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