Page 503 - Microsoft Word - Belicena respaldo
P. 503

too much. The affective, in other hand, the love for my familiars and friends, I guess that I
               won’t know until what point I dominate but when I’ll submitted to a test: with the heart one
               nerver knows, Uncle Kurt! Yes, the reproaches are fair, but you must be the one who guide me
               in this moment, because, on the contrary, I’ll have no other choice to continue in the same
               «ingenuous» manner as I began.

                      Uncle  Kurt  was  contemplating  me  pitifully,  without  doubts  admired  to  see  the
               irresponsibility  whith  which  I  was  taking  the  things.  According  to  him,  the  Druids  were
               ferocious enemies to whom we must fear not but neither underestimate. I didn’t fear them, and
               that was good; but it seemed evident that I underestimated the enemy, that I didn’t warn that I
               could be destroyed in any moment, that  I was  defying  a powerful adversary «without  being
               prepared for it». I ignore if my attitude reached then such grade of senselessness, but Uncle
               Kurt  believed  thus  and  that  was  despairing  him.  Hence  that  he  started  to  consider  me  an
               inexperienced soldier, a soldier in instruction of his particular army, and instead of suggest and
               discuss  with  me  what  had  to  be  done  he  started  to  order  the  measures  that  in  his opinion
               would have to be taken without dilation.

                      –You’ll send immediately a set of telegrams cancelling all your comprimises. Renounce
               to your job, your studies, the clubes, libraries or any other organism where you are linked in.

                      Say goodbye to whom you have to communicating him that you depart to a long journey:

                      If you discoureage their expectations to see you, they will forget you soon. If you have
               any type of property name an attorney, someone that you don’t know and viceverse, a Law firm
               for example, and order its liquidation. Proceed in the same manner with all what connects you
               with your old life: cut off all the ties, erase all the traces, suprime all the clues. It is not enough
               that you have died for yourself; you must die for the World as well!

                      The money will not be a problem for now: I’ll provide you the enough to carry out this
               mission. I’ve passed more than thirty years collecting money and the day to use it has come. It
               is as yours as mine, neffe. (Do you know that I testate in your name?). Of course, my money
               resolves the problems by the moment, but it is not the definitve solution: I’ll try, in the future,
               to teach you the operative tactics so that you can always obtain money or whatever you need.

                      It’s about techniques, methods for self-sufficiency, techniques that every Hyperborean
               Initiate must know how to apply.

                      Naturally, I did all what he had ordered me. I went carrying it out while my convalesnce
               endured, during the days in which Uncle Kurt narrated me his extraordinary story. Finally, the
               day in which we had to leave, nothing remained intact in Salta, of my previos life. All what I had

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