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–In February 1919 –Uncle Kurt continued impertubable– Rudoph Hess– Rudolph Hess
               travelled to Cairo to visit Dad and another friend, Omar Nautais. They met again each other for
               first time after six years, with the consequent mutual happiness and of my mother who also
               knew Rudolph from the childhood.

                      Dad had married in 1917 and in 17/11/1918 I was born so in that date, February of
               1919, I counted with three months of life. As they didn’t baptize me yet, Dad asked Rudolph to
               be  my  godfather,  to  what  he  acceded  willingly  because  he  loved  my  parents  too  much  and
               wanted to give them a show of affection.

                      The  ceremony  was  realized  in  the  Luthrean  Church  of  Cairo,  a  fresh  morning  of
               February 1919, the day 17 to be exact.

                      Here you have neffe the first coincidence –Said my Uncle with reflexive tone– because
               that young war hero of 25 years that was taking me in his arms, would be fifteen years later,
               Minister  of  the  German  State  and  the  right-hand  of  the  Chancellor  Adolf  Hitler,  his

                      In  Egypt,  as  in  all  the  foreing  countries,  the  German  community  organized  the
               Hitlerjugend,  for  the  training  of  his  children,  Hitler’s  youths,  with  the  supervision  of  the
               military aggreagations of the German Embassy. Inside this movement, figured a «junior» group
               called Jungvolk for children from 10 to 15 years old, in which I entered at my 10 years old,
               when I was still on the primary studies in the German School of Cairo.

                      I graduated on July of 1933; we left from Alexandria on a merchant ship that, with few
               calls at port, was going directly to Venice; thence we would continue to Berlin by train.

                      In  those  days  Rudolph  Hess  was  a  very important  personage  in  the  Third  Reich  and
               incredible  popular  amongst  the  members  of  the  German  community  of  Egypt  who  felt
               rewarded with the triumph of one of theirs. Rudolph worked hard all those years to contribute
               for  the  victory  of  the  Führer  and  except  for  some  journeys  every  one  or  two  years,  he  had
               abandoned his first Egyptian homeland completely. Nevertheless, he never forgot his friends,
               who were not a lot, neither his godson Kurt von Sübermann.

                      Ivariably we received a Christmas card every year and when we needed a drum in the
               Jungvolk, I remember that Dad urged me to write a letter to my prestigious godfather, who not
               only responded me kindly but with a letter in which stimulated me to study and persevere in
               the Hitlerjugend, but he also occupied of my infantile request.

                      One day we received a citation of the German Ambassy to retire a dispatch, which remit
               had to be signed by the Faehnleinsführer Kurt von Sübermann, that’s to say by me. Was the

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