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P. 638
I feigned to ignore those questions and I was happy explaining to Oskar Feil the real
causes of his kidnapping in hands of the duskhas: in reality, he had fallen in an ambuscade; the
ambush was part of a plot of Ernst Schaeffer and the lamas of the Kurkuma Bonnet, whose
objective was to provide a human victim to the Cult of Ridgen Djapo; nevertheless, such
conspiracy had its roots in Germany, in the traitors who called themselves «The Healthy Forces
of Germany», who planned such expedition and negotiated with the White Fraternity the price
of their support. And such price would be undoubtedly very high: just to cross the Gateway was
required a sacrifice, the execution of a symbol of the New Germany, the death of an , the
holocaust of an exponent of the Blood’s Aristocracy of the Third Reich. Then, in Shambalah,
Schaeffer would know the rest of the conditions: the Occult Hierarchy would support the
conspirators with their magical powers and with their, more effective, synarchic organizations,
in exchange for the destruction of the spiritual foundations of the Third Reich. Not just the
Führer and his major staff would have to die, and the National Socialist dissolved, but the core
of its tumour should be extirpated; this is, the would have to be disintegrated and the Black
Order demolished, exterminating their Initiates without mercy. Yes, the bistoury of the
Fraternity would be interested this time at the bottom of the wound, scraping if it would be
necessary the bone of the German social structure; only thus, a posteriori of the major surgery,
the Love’s Civilization could be edified over the ashes of the Civilization of the Nazi’s Hate.
–But, hitherto, I’d be only about a part of the price: with the fulfilment of these
guidelines, the traitors would never achieve anything else than to demonstrate their goodwill
to collaborate with the Plan of the White Fraternity –I clarified to Oskar–. The complete
support would come later, if the triumphant conspirators demonstrated to be disposed to reach
till the end to face a deep transformation of the German society and erase all the traces of the
Nazi Culture and the Hyperborean Wisdom: a German society to integrate pacifically in the
Universal Synarchy of the second half of the XX century would demand, to make that it be
opened and dependable to the White Fraternity, a form of democratic and liberal government,
and a Official Culture in which the Zionism would have free expression, the Judeo-masonry
and Judeo-Marxism, or the ideologies that emerged from those synarchic trunks. Then, if the
reigning traitors realized these conditions of the pact, Germany would be situated at the side of
God, the Good, the Love, and the Justice; and the Germans would be separated forever from
their malignant ancestral Deities.
Quite so, Oskar –I concluded–. Ernst Schaeffer is just one more of a group of numerous
traitors. His function in the conspiracy is to sign, in the name of the «Healthy Forces of
Germany», a synarchic Cultural Pact with the representatives of the White Fraternity. I can’t
reveal you in what consists our mission, how we are going to frustrate their plans, but I assure