Page 640 - Microsoft Word - Belicena respaldo
P. 640
Without waiting for any response, he unhooked the cloths of the tent and hurried to the
exterior, effectuating vigorous lead of frog. Outside the blizzard was raging. I followed it
perplexed and penetrated with him in one of the neighbour tents of the lopas. Contrarily to us,
who remained sheltered introduced in the sleeping bags, the five Tibetans that we had ahead
only dressed the uniform of English carrier of highlands: coat and green pants and boots.
I contemplated with lost gaze how the snow of his clothings melted and the water
dripped and ran through the canvas of the floor towards an aperture to eliminate rubbishes,
while von Grossen interrogated the Tibetans in boskad of Jam. Naturally, I was invoking the
Gods internally, praying to fulfil the miracle and the kâulikas be able to know the answers that
obsessed the Standartenführer.
Suddenly, and I can assure that for first time in the weeks that we spent together, I saw
all the lopas laughing at the same time. Yes, there were no doubts: they were laughing us
smiling! And after interchanging within them suggestive gestures of complicity, they turned
back to see us again and they laughed even louder. Finally they filled the tent with a choir of
uncontainable bursts of laughter.
The severe countenance of the chief demonstrated stupefaction and the mine had to
be manifesting something similar. However, both of us waited with patience for the lopas to
dominate the humour that the question of von Grossen caused to them, trying with hope to
perceive a positive answer in the amazing reaction.
–What do you think of this? –I said in German.
–I intuit that it treats about you –He replied enigmatically–. I guess that they believe
that you know the manner to follow Schaeffer.
It was thus. At concluding the general hilarity, von Grossen repeated the question: There
was some way to find the occidental expedition, now that they had already crossed the Gateway
of Shambalah? They looked each other again, tempted to laugh, but finally one of the kâulika
monks took the floor:
–We are not making fun of you, although your question seems to be what you accustom
to call joke. Because nothing else than a joke seem to us to find out how could be something or
someone followed in the Universe, when who asks it is accompanied by the dogs daivas. You
answer, in earnest, Who could hide himself, and where would be such hideout, when the dogs
daivas obey the order of the Son of Shiva and run behind his steps?
Karl von Grossen did not know how to respond and he looked at me into the eyes with
hostile expression.