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P. 641

–I swear you that I didn’t know it! –I apologized, scandalized before the possibility that
               he suspected that I did not want to follow Schaeffer.

                      –Tell me what I have to do and I will comply! –I screamed outraged to the monks–. Your
               Guru has not given more information to me than an incomprehensible Yantra and just 60 days
               ago I had not even the most remote idea that the dogs daivas existed. You explain to me how I
               must proceed to make that those beast localize the German expedition.

                      The  lopas  looked  each  other  again,  but  their  countenances  showed  now  the  habitual
               indifference. The one who had talked, and who was called Srivirya¸ took the floor:

                      –Undoubtedly you make jokes too, O Svami. Well you must know better than anyone,
               you who are beyond the Kula and Akula, how to guide the dogs daivas. If you don’t know, or you
               have  forgotten,  it’ll  not  be  very  difficult  to  know  or  remember  it  employing  the  Scrotra
               Krâm¸the transcendental ear of the Tulkus, with which you’re gifted. Our Guru has revealed us
               the Kilkor svadi¸ through wich is possible to from any word or name of Created things; and
               you know the name of your enemy. O Sahakaladai, Magic is Power: and the words and names
               are untensils of the Magic. Reproduce the name towards which you want to direct the dogas
               daivas with the magic language of the Kilkor svadi and they will obey.

                      Either because he really believed that it was a joke or a kind of test, or because he didn’t
               want to continue speaking about matter, there was no form to obtain more information of the
               laconinc Srivirya. His last words were:

                      –O, Mahesvara, the one who nerver discuss, we don’t achieve to comprehend the motive
               that you have to confuse us with questions of which only you can know the answers. The Kâula
               Circle knows the Magic that permits the dogs daiva to exist, but no one who is not a Great Guru
               or a Tulku achieve to dominate them with the mind, unique way by which they receive orders:

                      They just listen to the Inner Voice of the Gurus and the Gods, those who are beyond the
               Kula  and  Akula,  those  who  are  like  Shiva;  or  have  his  Sign,  like  you.  I  was  bron  in  a
               Monastery of the Kâula Circle, and my father and gradfather were kâulika Initiates; neither I,
               nor my father, nor my grandfather, saw ever a Guru able to talk with the dogs daivas, until the
               Gods send you with us. If you want to verify it, to have met you makes us proud. But don’t feel
               ashame anymore with questions that are own of the Gods. We know about our weakness and
               confusion in the Hell of Maya and we do all possible to remedy it. Believe us, O Kshatriya: one
               day we will emerge from the human misery in which the Spirit has sunk and we’ll be like you!

                      Then we will have Scrotra Krâm opened, as you, and we’ll able to know everything; and
               the Gods will reveal us the secrets of the Tantra; and the svadi daivas will obey us like they do
               with you!

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