Page 646 - Microsoft Word - Belicena respaldo
P. 646

We left all ready and, at dawn, lifted the tents and prepared lo leave. Karl von Grossen
               was waiting for me to indicate him the course clearly, but the only thing that we could do would
               be to accompany the dogs daivas. I made him understand it and I situated myself in front of the
               column, taking the leashes of the dogos with both hands. From the Infinite Spirit, beyond the
               Kula and Akula, descended the order «follow Ernst Schaeffer» in the language of the Yantra
               svadi and it penetrated in the Universe of the Created Forms, it crossed the akâshâ tattva and
               was implanted in the animic body of the dogs  daivas. And the incredible animals, as if they
               would  be really sniffing a physical trace, went rigid and stratched their heads upwards, and
               then they left as arrows towards the North.

                      We  travelled  many  days  in  that  manner,  always  escorting  the  dogs  daivas  and  they
               following the invisible traces of the German expedition. At the beginning von Grossen didn’t
               express any objection but then he started to get unquiet, to distrust, and to insinuate openly
               the possibility that the dogs daivas would have lost. In honour to the truth, I must say that
               there were none reasons to doubt, because the erratic march of the dogos, that either they went
               towards the North, or the East, either they returned to the South, or moved to West, had him
               completely disoriented.

                      His compass and maps were absolutely useless, he said me dramatically one day. –We
               are lost in the heart of the Tibet, in a place completely unknown for the civilazation! Perhaps
               in a place that is not from this World! –. It was not that the rational von Grossen would
               have turned superstitious all of sudden: it was that the dogs daivas guided us through a route
               that  really  seemed  out  from  this  World.  In  that  moment  we  were  in  an  enormous  valley,
               adorned with regular vegetation and gifted with spring weather; all was tranquil and perfect
               there: but that place could not exist where it was. I saw a small bird alighting on a tree, I
               saw a bush with yellow flowers, and a speedy hare, and I comprehended that the circumstance
               had none explanation. Only in that moment I felt worried and gave the reason to the claims of
               von Grossen.

                      «Where the hell are we?» I thought, while I was stopping the dogos with a mental order.
               Karl von Grossen was contemplating me irked.

                      –You’ve understood the problem al last! Since a long time ago I have warning you that
               something is wrong but you do not listen to me. You don’t hear anyone. You just heed your
               damn dogs.  I do not deny you that in all these there are supernatural facts, facts that I may not
               be capable to comprehend: I accept it and I try to change things. I know that the dogs will guide
               us through strange ways, illogic, to reach who are travelling trough a magic path too. I know it
               and I don’t try to understand who you do it. You are here for that but listen to me well, von
               Sübermann,  It  is  possible  that,  in  this  or  another  World,  the  dogs  could  be  disoriented,

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