Page 642 - Microsoft Word - Belicena respaldo
P. 642

We returned to the tent profoundly impressed, although for different motives. To von
               Grossen surprised the fact that the fearsome kâulikas felt sweeten in my presence and that they
               treated  me  as  a  God.  To  me,  precisely,  that  deference  produced  unconcealed  displeasure,
               perhaps because I not finished to comprehend completely what happened around me: since I
               was kidnapped by the Ophites, during my childhood, until then, had occurred the phenomenon
               that some particular men perceived in me, or for me, a spiritual meaning that plucked them
               from the material World, Infinite and Uncreated. And that meaning came from a Sign that was
               revealed in me, or by me, a Sign that the Ophites called «of Lucifer», Konrad Tarstein, «of the
               Origin», and the kâulikas «of Shiva». The particular men who perceived it, according to Tarstein,
               and coinciding as I see now with Belicena Villca, shared with me the common Origin of the
               Spirit and carried in their Pure Blood, unconsciously, the Sign of the Origin. For this reason

               they perceived the Sign of the Origin in me; in reality, they didn’t know it in that moment but
               they recognized it, they projected it in me and then it turned – conscious, discovering the
               Presence of the Spirit in Oneself, revealing the Mystery of the Origin. But such meaning that I
               manifested, and that those particular men comprehended, was insignificant for me.

                      In  rigor,  I  should  say  not-significant  because  the  Sign  cared  me  a  lot  even  if  I  not
               comprehended  it,  of  not  be  able  to  embrace  its  content  with  the  conscious  mind.  And  that
               intellectual impotence was the cause of the perturbation that still caused me at realizing that
               some particular men perceived it. I could tolerate it, as in the case of the Pagoda Kâulika, but I
               always went out disengaged from the experience.

                      Perhaps, to the perturbation to feel transcended for the meaning of the Sign, was added
               the effect of the incredible knowledge that the kâulikas had about the inner Ear. How they knew
               that I possessed that faculty, product of the charismatic power of the Führer, is something that
               I  never  knew.  But  the  matter  fascinated  von  Grossen,  once  dissipated  his  doubts  after  the
               unusual explanation of Srivirya, and the issue of the inner Ear didn’t escape to him. Once we
               accommodated ourselves in the tent, he asked impromptu:

                      –What a hell means that of the Scrotra Krâm, von Sübermann?

                      –I am sorry my Standartenführer –I said in the act, and not without rudeness– but I
               can’t answer you that question. I will tell you, yes, that I’ll do all I can to realize the idea of the
               kâulika monks. Yes it is true that the dogs daivas are capable to track Ernst Schaefer have the
               security  that  we  will  find  him.  I  am  going  to  work  from  now  on  to  find  a  solution  to  the
               problem, and I will employ if it is necessary the Scrotra Krâm. Is all what I can say.

                      The eyes of von Grossen blazed but, as per usual, he maintained the serenity and not
               bored me anymore. Undoubtedly I could not talk with him, from the inner Ear, because Konrad

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