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P. 649
Evidently, my abstraction of the last days had affected him. But you are wrong von
Grossen. If I wanted to find Ernst Schaeffer, I pretended that the dogs daivas obey the correct
order, the worst mistake that I could comit, would be «to be aware of what happened around
me» and «reflect». Precisely, the secret to control the dogs consisted in the capacity to situate
onself far from all «around», out from the Space and Time, beyond the Kula and Akula; and
above all, it was required to not think, not perceive, not «reflect».
Without warn it, the Standartenführer wanted to obey me to fall in Mâyâ, the Illusion
of the material forms that filled our «surroundings», which composed the context of the Great
Deceit. But he was a very erudite man. Who spoke about the Vril fluently and demonstrated to
comprehend the terms of the Spirit: the Eternity, the Inifinite, the Absolute Freedom. How
could explain him then, what I knew? I opted to keep quiet. I didn’t want to hurt him, because I
could ony attribute his forgetfulness of the basic principles of the Hyperborean Wisdom to an
intense sensation of terror.
–I’ll interrogate the Gurkha –I proposed–. I think that he is who has more affinity with
Karl von Grossen was agreed and we call him immediately. As he supposed, Bangi not
refused to respond me.
–We are –He said– in the «Valley of the Immortal Demons». Very near from here must
be the Door of Chang Shambalah. You have not developed the psychic vision and for that
reason you don’t see the Sanctuary of the Queen Mother of the West.But since one day ago we
are getting near to it and the kâulikâs perceive it clearer each moment.
The Gurkha signalized the mounts Kuen Lun. For moments he spoke in bodskad, and
for moment in English and German, what demonstrated his perturbation.
–Yes: there is the Sanctuary of Hsi Wang Mu, the Enemy of the Kula! –He affirmed with
shudder–. She is who others call Dolma, Tara, Kuan Yin, and also Binah, the Mother of the
mortal earthen men. It is a tradition that to this Valley of the Immortals only enter those who
She loves and want to preserve to worship Brahma, The Creator, and serve the King of the
World, it means, only those who hates Kula enter, those who refuse the Eternal Marriage with
the Absolute Shakti, the non-men, the non-virile. A kâulika has never put the feet in this path
contrary to the Tao, the Path and the End at the Beginning; never a Husband of Kula has
treaded so wretched path, opposed to the own Vrune!
You and the dogs daivas have guided us to Hell, to protagonize in physical body the
greatest challenge of this life. She will try to convert us in animals, but we’ll fight here if
it is necessary; for Shiva; and for you, Son of Shiva; and for your Führer, the Lord of