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P. 650

the Absolute Will. But, above all, we will fight because we know that you, who have
               guided  us  to  the  War  against  the  Asuras,  will  not  abandon  us  in  Hell.  You  are  a
               Warrior of Heaven and Hell, a Man of Honour, and you’ll know how to take us out
               from here!– Such conviction, it is obvious to clarify, impressed me profoundly.

                      –Are we in Hell? We have reached so far! –Karl von Grossen commented with irony–. It
               is  possible  then  that  the  son  of  the  beach  of  Schaeffer  be  near,  because  this  is  the  most
               appropriate place for him.

                      Of course, no one imagined that the joke of von Grossen corresponded to the strictest
               reality: the traitor and the German expedition were near, very near from there. However the
               journey was not retaken until the next morning, by my iniciative. I wanted that all could rest
               and  I  searched  trivial  regrets  to  justify  the  stop.  I  explained,  to  the  not  hasty
               Standartenführer, that I needed to «mediate» about what was seen and heard, and check the
               orders of the dogs daivas. And I think that for first time in the journey, from Bhutan, everyone
               were  internally  grateful  to  have  lost  a  day  in  the  Threshold  of  the  Valley  of  the  Immortal

                      The  camaderie  is  not  a  quantifiable  connection,  a  measurable  relation,  a  reason

               amongst  partners.  It  is  not  a  mere  affective  nexus,  as  the  friendship,  but  a  spiritual
               coincidence, the identity of ideals that are realized simultaneously. The camaderie is
               determined  by  absolute  instants:  the  time  and  space  of  the  fact;  but  it  lacks  of  extensive
               temporal  dimension;  it  means,  the  camaraderie  does  not  admit  category  of  duration,  it  is
               conceivable a permanent Comrade, as a friend. The camaraderie produces Comrades of the fact,
               of the coincident circumstance; implies the encounter of two or many, in a same instant, with a
               common ideal that  is fulfilled. The friendship, on the contrary, is temporarily extense and
               spatially limited; it consists in a thick sentimental nexus, almost measurable, that joins the
               people with independence of the fact in which they participate. The friendship is independent
               of  every  ethic  moral  because  it  emerges  from  the  heart,  as  every  affective  relation.  In  the
               camaraderie, on the contrary, is always present the Honour. It is demanded to not question the
               moral behaviour of a friend; it is a duty, whereas to observe the ethic attitude of a Comrade:

                      The  homeland  could  be  betrayed,  with  the  help  of  a  friend.  But  it  is  only
               possible to die for the homeland, with the help of a Comrade.

                      From the opposition between the friendship, affective, and the camaraderie, spiritual,
               emerges  with  clarity  why  the  traitor  achieves  to  extend  his  betrayal  in  time,  «forever»,
               analogously to the friendship, and why the hero must demonstrate his courage in the act of an
               instant, instant in which the Honour, and the ethic of the humility, obeys to forget later: that
               instat  of  the  hero,  which  carries  implicit  all  the  courage  in  the  act  of  its  occurrence,  is  the

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