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P. 657
âtman, the Divine Archetype created by Brahma in similitude of Himself. And for it the Shakti
Kâkanî makes her voice be heard in the sound of anahâta shabda, and says «om mani padme
hum», «O you, jewel in the lotus», «O Mother who is in the chakra», «O Devi, who is in the
Anâhata chakra». And fi the jîva listen to this mantram, and recites it as anâhata japa, it
becomes in jîvâtman; and also receives the kâlagiya, the sign to enter in Chang
Shambalah and integrate the White Fraternity.
At each point of the real Space there’s a small globe or archetypal atom, which
simbolizes with exactitude the unity of Brahma, The Creator. And in the center of each one of
these atoms, there’s an eye with which The One contemplates Himself from all the created
things. Each Eye of the Father One is called Yod, but each pupil belongs to the Mother Kuan
Yin. When the blood of man is stigmatized by the Lords of of Karma, and the pain penetrates in
the eyes of The One as a pleasureable symphony, the pupils of the Mother Kuan Yin soften the
suffering chords with the Mercifulness of her Heart. For this reason she is Avalokiteshvara, a
Bodhisattva of Compassion. Yes, occidental Kameraden: this image that impress you is just a
opaque reflect of Kuan Yin behind the Veil of Mâyâ. Right here, in this moment, the Goddess
dances searching for the warm of Love! Kuan Yin wants to feel Your Hearts palpitating for the
pain that lashes the life of man, the pain caused by those who are aparted from the harmony of
the Universe, from the Law of The One! And what collect the eyes of Avalokiteshvara in Your
Hearts? Only Cold and Hate, in lieu of Heat and the Love for Life. And then they leave involved
in cries the eyes of the Mother, promising herself to help us to make you turn to the animal
condition, the hot Heart of those who love the warm Life. She is the mother of the animal men,
of the pasu: Her mercifulness will catch you and heat the Heart with her Love, dislodging the
Cold and Hate, to the harsh ice! And she will do it even if she has to turn the Kâlachakra and
convert you in primitive apes!