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P. 660
Image of Avalokiteshvara sculpted in granite. Temple of Sokkuram, Korea. VIII Century
But Kuan Yin knows that the evil of Ganesha is too big as to be forgiven: No; for Kurt
von Sübermann there is none possibility of treatment, because his Presence is humiliating for
the dignity of the Bodhisattvas, his Presence exposes without modesty the Naked Truth of the
Origin! No one who is on the side of The One, the Brahma, The Creator, will accept such
affront! And will be once again the Compassive, what will speak in the Heart of the Son of Shiva
and announce him the decision of the Gods. Thus speak the Mother Goddess Kuan Yin to the
Heart of the Son of Shiva Kurt von Sübermann!:
As wolf, my lambs thou shalt slay
As Child of Stone, T’ao-t’ie,
Then in wolves thou shalt convert them
No compassion shall be for thee!
I serene my tender Heart,
Dry are my multiple eyes!