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P. 658

But here, with you, is Ganesha, the Son of Shiva, to whom you call Kurt. What has seen
               the Mother Goddess in the Heart of the Son of Shiva? Cold and Hate too, but forming the nest
               for the mask of the Cold Death, the refugee of Kâly, The Black one. Yes, in the Son of Shiva is
               the greatest abomination, because he has embraced the Death in his Heart, the Mask of the
               Death  that  hides  the  Naked  Truth  of  the  Infinite  Blackness  of  Himself.  In  the  Heart  of
               Ganesha, over the dead body of the pasu, son of the Mother Kuan Yin, dances Kâly The Black
               the Dance of the Cold Death; and in the corpse of the pasu, which is carrion, the phallus of
               Shiva is still living, the adamantine lingam of Vajra: before the symbol of the absolute virility,
               Kâly uncover herself and let that the Pâvartî Frya be manifested, the Naked Truth behind the
               Black Death; Pâvartî Frya realizes then the yonimudrâ upon the lingam of Shiva, and Bhairava
               resurrects in the Heart of the Son of Shiva; abnormally a Child of Vajra has born in the Heart of
               Ganesha! A child begotten by the Spirit of Shiva with the Truth behind the Mask of the Death!

                       A child gestated in the womb of the Infinite Blackness of Himself! A child born from the
               broken womb of the dead Heart of the pasu! A Child of Vajra, a Child of Diamond, a Child of
               Stone, a Child of Ray, a Child of Cold Fire, a God Child! A child who is the Uncreated Vrune
               and that is beyond the Kula and Akula, beyond the Space and Time, beyond the Life and Death,
               beyond the Good and Evil, definitely beyond the pasu murdered by Kâly in the Heart of
               the Son of Shiva!

                      A very huge evil have seen the million eyes of Avalokiteshvara in the Heart of the Son of
               Shiva. An evil for which Her Tears of Mercifulness, neither her Compassion, nor her Love are
               enough. An evil for which there is none possible redemption, neither in this nor in the other
               life of the Wheel of Life Sripai Khorlo.

                      Is the evil of whom runs from the cares of the Father and the Mother, that refuse from
               the Father and the Mother, who discovers that he has no Father nor Mother, who finds the
               Naked Truth of Himself and dedicates to Be what he Is and not what he must be according to

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