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P. 673

blaze against the hillside showed me the lopas collecting firewood and feeding an improvised
               stove.  Karl  von  Grossen  and  Oskar  Feil  had  stood  up  and  were  contemplating  the  scene  I
               silence, as besotted. When the eyes of the Standartenführer encountered with mine eyes he

                      –Von Sübermann: Gott sei dank! Where are we? What happened to the others?

                      I incorporated and responded him with crude honesty:

                      –I  do  not  know.  I  ignore  what  place  is  this.  With  security  we  are  very  far  from  the
               campsite, but at least we are alive. Because if I am convinced of something is that who are not
               with us now must have died in the glen. Who could survive to that attack of the Demons? If
               even the kâulika monks, who are experts in that kind of Black Magic, feared to die inevitably!

                      In that moment the tree of us remembered the monks and we searched them with the
               gaze: the eight were next to the fire that they had turned on protected by enormous rocks, and
               were  looking  us  at  the  same  time  with  tranquillity.  Karl  and  Oskar  approached  to  them.  I
               wanted to do the same, but the leashes impeded me to do it. With horror I discovered that one
               of the dogs had died; the other by his side, emitted periodic painful wailings.

                      If I owed my life to some one in this world, apart of my parents, was to those dogs, so I
               felt comprehensibly affected for the loss of one of them. I left the survivor with his piteous
               howls,  bereaved  requiem  for  the  absent  couple,  and  I  approached  to  the  group.  Without
               cortesy, I interpellated the Srivirya:

                      –How is that one of the dogs daivas has died? Had not assured me the Guru Visaraga
               that  both  constituted  an  archetypal  couple,  the  manifested  synthesis  of  a  pair  of  opposed
               principles, whose existence had to be necessarily simultaneous? If that was true, why are not
               dead both of them?

                      –Be  patient,  Son  of  Shiva  –advised  the  monk  compassionately–  and  remember  that
               these dogs are tulpas, mental creations of the Magicians of the Kâula Circle. Therefore they are
               not subjected to natural laws but to the Will of the Gurus. I said you that since some years ago,
               even if our Order knew the secret of the dogs daivas, they had never been projected until now
               because there was none one Initiate as you, capable to control them beyond Kula and Akula.
               Hence,  we  lacked  of  practical  information  about  what  would  happen  at  being  realized  by  a
               Shivatulku. It means that we didn’t know how they were going to behave in this stage of the
               Kaly Yuga: the last time that the dogs daivas travelled around the Earth was in the Atlantis,
               thounsads of years ago. Evidently, this Iron Age has debilitated in some way their Flying Power
               and one of them resulted affected by the Force of the Dorje. But if we didn’t know how much

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