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P. 674

they will live, otherwise, I can respond you why one of them has continued alive after the flight
               lung-svadi: it was due to the particulars laws that reign their reproduction.

                      You’ve reasoned well, but you didn’t contemplate the lwas of reproduction. At being a
               perfect couple, archetypally equilibrated, the two dogs, in fact, should have died together. But
               the  law  of  the  reproduction  established  by  the  Gurus  demands  that  before  the
               disintegration,  the  couple  beget  and  give  birth  to  another  pair  of  dogs  daivas.  The
               process  would  be  then,  the  next:  the  death  of  any  of  them,  will  mean  the  automatic
               metamorphosis  of  the  other  in  an  androgynous  exemplar;  is  as  if  one  of  the  archetypical
               principles, which was manifested outside, be incorporated inside of the surviver; and the one
               who lives, will carry in the bosom the germ of a new couple of dogs daivas, which will grow, and
               will  born  then:  so,  after  the  delivery,  the  old  exemplar  will  be  disintegrated  fatally.  Do  you
               understand now why one of them is alive?

                      I assented, relieved  at knowing that in little time I would recover the couple of dogs

                      –Well –added Srivirya–; then don’t forget that in this period, while the androgynous dog
               is dedicated to gestate the new couple, you must call him with the name of «Vruna», because is
               the unity of Kula and Akula.

                      I assented again, because that was certainly logic. On that exploded von Grossen.

                      –For God’s sake, von Sübermann! Always the  accursed dogs! Are you  worried for the
               death of a dog? And our Comrades? I have been informed that they have died too: well you
               should be bereaved for them! And you don’t know where we are neither. That I was trying to
               inquire to the Tibetans when you interrupted me to talk about the condemned mastiffs.

                      I decided to not respond to the unfair accusations of von Grossen.

                      –We  don’t  know  anything  about  the  place  where  the  Shivatulku  has  brought  us  –
               interjected Srivirya–. He must to respond, because only he knows the the order that gave to the
               dogs daivas.

                      The expression of the countenance of von Grossen went decomposed at verifying that
               the  matter  of  the  dogs  was  unavoidable.  I  didn’t  have  to  reflect  to  exposse  something  that
               intrigued me since I recovered consciousness in such beach.

                      –To Sining! I ordered the dogs to go to Sining. It was the first place that occurred to me,
               surely because the two monks who guided the holites affirmed that from there they will help us
               to arrive to Shangai. He did not explain me why the dogs daivas didn’t guide us to Sining.

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