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P. 675

–O  how  strage  is  the  mind  of  the  Shivatulku!  –Exclaimed  Srivirya,  who  could  not
               conceive that my  acts  were simply stupids, as they  were in reality–. If you wanted to go to
               Shanghai. Why don’t send the dogs to guide us directly thither, instead of requesting them the
               townsquare  of  Sining,  located  2.000  km.  before?  Incomprehensible  are  the  Designs  of  the
               Gods! Because now that the dogs daivas are in procces of reproduction you could not employ
               them for a flight lung-svipa anymore: only the future puppies, some day, will take you through
               Time and Space. Of course that now we know where we are. What Sining have you translated in
               your order?

                      –How what Sining? I don’t understand what are you talking about –I declared, fearing to
               hear what would come.

                      –Of course, Son of Shiva –explained the Srivirya innocently–. The order demanded to go
               to Sining-Fu or to Sining-Ho, i.e., to the city of Sining or to the river of Sining?

                      I released an oath. Why I had been so little precise at defining the imposed destiny of the
               air travel of the dogs daivas? The answer was obvious: because the order was formulated on a
               critical moment, in middle of a trememdous physical disorder that avoided me to reason the
               enough. In such terrible circumstance I forgot everything, I not described with precisison the
               target because I supposed that the unconsciously that the dogs would comprehend it, that they
               would  interpret  my  wishes  exactly.  And  the  truth  was  very  different:  the  dogs  were  tulpas,
               yidams, magical machines projected by the will of steal of the Magicians and that required the
               correct control of their functions.

                      –Certainly that I not specified if it was Sining-Fu or Sining-Ho –I confesed annoyed. The
               kâulika monk meditated for a second and said smiling:

                      –So it is very probable that we are next to the river Sining. At receiving the order, the

               dogs daivas realized that existed two different objectives with the same name. They elected, by
               motives  that  would  be  long  to  detail,  the  oldest  objective  that  corresponded  to  that  name,
               apparently, the river. And that ambiguity would explain also the death of one of the dogs: the
               cause would be the dilemma to which the opposed principles were submitted, that worked as if
               a logic wedge would have tried to break the absolute unity of the Archetype dog. I think that
               the problem resides in in the grades of reality of the things in game. By one part, the dogs
               davias not constituted a perfect couple, they could not be that in this stage of the Kaly Yuga, ad
               they exhibited a small grade of disequilibrium. On the other part, the river Sining results to be
               a little more real, inside the Illusion of Mâyâ, that the city of Sining. Consequence: the dogs
               daivas are situated in front of a dilemma and they are forced to choose; due to the supposed
               disequilibrium, one of the dogs tends towards Sining-Fu and the other tends towards Sining-
               Ho; as magically the real destiny is the one that corresponds to more real name, just one of the

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