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P. 676

dogs  arrives  to  Sining-Ho,  where  we  are,  while  the  other  dog  is  disintegrated  to  avoid  the
               impossible alteration of the Archetype. And as the dogs daivas can’t exist but as a couple, the
               present androgynous will be disintegrated too after the reproduction.

                      –Therefore the dogs have concurred to the river Sining, to which would correspond the
               current  that  passes  before  us!  –admitted  von  Grossen,  who  was  finally  starting  to  be
               geographically oriented–. Elements in favour of our Strategy: a) three Germans and eight
               Tibetans, members of the Operation First Key, are still alive; b) it is possible that the city of
               Sining be located near from here and it is probable that of it depends our definitive salvation, if
               we achieve to spend the night in these conditions.  Elements against our  Strategy: a) we
               experienced five casualties, three Germans and two Tibetans, apart of the five carriers and all
               the equipment; b) if more than 1.000 km. away from the Valley of the Immortal Demons, what
               turns impossible for the moment to return and inspect or rescue the bodies and materials.

                      Conclusion: It is almost secure that the effectives in charge of the Operation Altwesten
               have  run  the  same  luck  of  the  members  of  the  Operation  First  Key,  i.e,  they  are  dead  or
               disappeared. This conclusion puts end to the Operation First Key, and imposes us a delicate
               obligation to explain convincingly to our superiors the events occurred in the campsite of Ernst

                      Karl von Grosssen looked at me significantly, as saying that the main responsible of the
               explanations would be Me. His last words were:

                      –Considering the diabolic attack that we have suffered in that Infernal Valley, at the
               light of the orders received from Germany and the structure of the Operation First Key, I have
               extracted  some  conclusions  that  I  will  communicate  you  in  character  strictly  peronal  and
               confidential. I believe, Gentlemen, that our leaders of Germany had a very approximated idea
               about  what  woul  happen  in  the  Tibet  if  Kurt  von  Sübermann  was  integrated  to  Operation
               Altwesten. Clearer, I think that they, Hitler, Himmler, Heydrich, Rudolph Hess, and God knows
               who else, knew that determined enemies would react with extreme violence at discovering von
               Sübermann: enemies that are perhaps extraterrestrial beings, possessors of terrible weapons,
               incomparable to any earthly arsenal. If they knew what could happen. Why they permitted to
               the enemy to shut us in a mortal trap? This is the question for which I have none answer. I
               intuit  that  they  wanted  to  verify  concretely  the  efficacy  of  von  Súbermann  to  cause  the
               reactions of the «Demos» of Chang Shambalah and perhaps they underestimated the enemy:
               perhaps they thought that the White Fraternity would close the damn doors of their lair, and
               discarded  the  possibility  that  the  Demons  would  try  to  kill  us.  Whatever  could  it  be,  I  am
               persuaded that von Sübermann will never reveal us the secret that inflames the Demons. In
               sum, I consider the Operation First Key concluded in this moment, I dispose the immediate

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