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P. 681

«Fascism»: in a reduced scale, it was happening in the Chinese war what would occur
               four years later in the Second World War.

                      There was just one difference, that for the case it didn’t mean importance becauyse the
               awaken  man  is  guided  by  the  facts  and  not  for  names:  it  was  the  qualifying  of
               «nationalists»  that  the  members  of  the  party  of  Chiang  Kai-Sek  adopted  to  define
               themselves.  Curiously,  those  «nationalists»  were  not  supported  by  others,  the  national
               socialists,  but  by  the  extreme  liberalism  of  the  Anglo-Saxon.  And  that  is  explained  easily
               because that is what Chiang and his followers were: exponents of the most reactionary liberal
               right-wing  of  China,  that’s  to  say,  the  most  sepoy.  In  this  of  being  sepoy,  follower  of  the
               colonialist  potencies  to  the  detriment  of  the  their  own  country,  it  must  be  admitted  that
               Chiang Kai-Shek was almost as great as the Mahatma Gandhi, that agent of the English Secret
               Service who gave the India to the exploitation of the masters of the commonwealth impeding
               that there be concentrated a real nationalist revolution, it means, national socialist.

                      For this reason, to call Chiang a «nationalist» would be a joke, a tasteless joke, if it is not
               for the role that his chiefs of the Synarchy made him represent caused finally the fall of the
               millenary Chinese Culture in the miserable and austere Marxist-Leninist Doctrine. No; Chiang
               was not nationalist but outright sepoy. And who doubts of it just observe what he did with
               Formosa, the modern Taiwan, where there are none popular corporations and the ethical codes
               that characterizes the nationalism but the rapacious action of the multinational companies and
               the World’s Bank, and the unlimited explotation of the Chinese people, completely outcasted to
               decide the Destiny of their «Nation» because this has been already determined by the Synarchy.

                      If a nation wants to the imperialist, the History offers two classical models, that not for
               being  less  understood  by  the  observers  are  less  utilized  in  all  the  times.  One  is  the  Greco-
               Roman model, inherited from the ancient concept of the «Universal Imperialism» of the Indo-
               aryans: this model, and Rome gave us one of the last examples, only demands that the other
               populations  be  submitted  militarily,  not  culturally;  thus,  the  populations  of  different
               idiosuncrasy could be integrated to the Roman Empire conserving their Culture, language and
               mores, and, if they were enough fierce to resist with pride the pax romana, they could obtain
               extraordinary concessions, as the citizenship of Gauls and Spaniards, and the control of the
               army, and from the Empire everything, achieved by the Germans; that was possible because in
               this model of Empire the value was settled in the courage, real, of the populations: was more
               valuable  the  bravest  one;  this  principle  had  indubitable  character  and  no  one  feared  the
               imperial ascent of a brave people because it was obvious that such population resulted valuable
               for the Empire.

                      It  means,  in  that  first  model  would  not  be  necessary  to  practice  the  cultural
               indoctrination of the defeated ones, emply the brainwhasing, destroy them morally, corrupt

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