Page 683 - Microsoft Word - Belicena respaldo
P. 683
will be commited to extract the highest utilitary value of the populations, conceding them the
possibility to be very valuable producing much. What is opposed to this magnanimous
concession of those who are in the World’s Power, will be destroyed: in favour of those who are
submitted but can demonstrate their value; in defense of the possibility to be useful for the
imperialists, possibility that they denominate seriously «democratic freedom». And what is
opposed to that population that doesn’t worth a fig, be valorized being useful to the Empire,
serving, producing, permitting that the Empire seizes its riches, if it has, or saving to spend
them in the own benefit if the Empire needs them now or tomorrow?
Is its own Culture the obstacle? Well it will be re-culturized by all means necessary. Is
the national consciousness the enemy? Well it will be attacked the essence of the national
Being: it will be started to discredit or deny the own good and will be exalted the foreign good;
contrarily, the foreign good will be diminished the own good will be exalted until the
exaggeration; then the trust in the national Destiny will collapse, and the people will believe
overwhelmed that the cultural distance between the own national weakness and the foreign
forece and greatness is insurmountable. The second step will consist to attack specifically the
supports of of the national Being: the territoriality, the national symbols, the traditions, etc.
the frontiers will be displaced or threatened to create the sensation that the Nation «is not
finished», which is something half constructed, that doesn’t exist; the promen of the
Homeland, that good or bad contributed to its existence, to make that the population be
ashamed of the past; they will be presented to the comparison, instead, to the contemporary
imperialists of them, to make that the people repudiate their heroes and admire gringos, and be
lamented. What were we doing, while they were constructing their powerful Empires?
It is the ratial unity the impediment? The people will be bastardized favouring the
immigration of inferior Races. It is the national unity? It will be disintegrated bribing or buying
leaders, facing ones against each others, and creating chaos, the evidence that «it treats about a
population in which its members can’t be agree within them».
As you see, neffe, the Carthaginian model demonstrates an entire modus operandi in
the action of the imperialists. While in the Greco-Roman model «the most valuable is the
bravest one», and the brave populations could grow and develop without problems, according
to hteir own cultural guidelines, in the Carthaginian-Anglo Saxon model it must be
permanently applied the principle «it is valuable while it’s useful», what obeys to submit the
defeated populations, or dominate them, by means of more vile practices. And here we arrive to
also to the crux of the matter: the juridical support of the aforementioned principle, and of
those that constitutes the Carthaginian-Anglo Saxon Empire, is the Principle of the synarchic
principles, the Supreme Principle which is fundamental stone of the juridic-social structure of
the synarchic State: the Principle of the Division.