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P. 684

Division  of  what?  Of  everything,  because  the  Principle  of  Division  bestows  to  the
               Emperor or King, Carthaginian, English or Yankee,  the  right to divide the structure of the
               populations. It must be compared immediately, to stand out the differences: the Principle of
               Honour of the Greco-Roman imperialists was essentially ethic and it created the obligation to
               procure the common good, to valorize the value of the brave; on the contrary, the Principle of
               Division of the Carthaginian-Anglo Saxon imperialists was fundamentally juridic and amoral
               and the generated the right to divide to assure the value of those who are useful, to protect
               the democratic freedom to value being useful, producing, serving.

                      Here  are  the  fundamental  differences  between  both  models:  the  ethic  against  the
               juridical and amoral; the moral obligation to assure the common good, agaist the amoral right
               to  divide  the  common  good  to  extract  its  untilitary  value.  The  Greco-Roman  Imperialism
               produced  «citizens  of  the  Empire»,  honourable  title  that  in  no  way  undermined  their
               nationality of racial pride. The Carthaginian-Anglo Saxon Imperialism models «citizens of the
               World», ambiguous and dishonourable title that most of times occults the untold betrayal.

                      To the citizens of the Empire we already know them by the History. It is of interest,
               whereas  to  know.  How  are  the  «citizens  of  the  World»,  analogous  title  to  the  «slave  of  the
               Synarchy»?  Well,  it  treats  about  beings  that  have  been  conformed  according  to  the
               Carthaginian-Anglo  Saxon  model,  it  means,  beings  who  have  suffered  all  the  modes  of  the
               Principle of Division. They are habitually internationalists because their nationality has been
               divided and disaggregated: they believe that the international saves the difference between
               populations.  They  are  decided  pacifists  because  their  psychic  structure  was  divided
               freudianilly  and  their  warrior  instinct  qualified  of  «primitive  aggressive  tendencies  that  are
               originated  in  the  cortex,  animal  brain,  and  emerges  through  the  Unconscious»:  for  the
               psychoanalytic Culture, the warrior instinct is a disgraceful impulse, almost animal, extremely
               dangerous «because it can incarnate in the Myth of the Hero» and become dominant in the
               conscious;  who  are  indoctrinated  thus,  identify  the  war  with  savagery,  and  believe  that  the
               peace must be achieved at any cost because in that social state it is possible to demonstrate the
               utility  serving  to  the  pacifist  Imperialism,  World  Government,  Synarchy,  or  whatever  be
               named the system that exploits them. These exemplaries are colorblind to the nationality and
               their warrior instinc has been locked; therefore they lack of heroism, of capacity of patriotic
               reaction, they are beings psychologically mutilated that believe in the union of many concepts
               impossible  to  unify  under  a  Carthagianian-Anglo  Saxon  Imperialism:  peace,  happiness,
               creation, progress, freedom, civilization of love, universal fraternity, and so forth. Naturally, in
               our Age, they can be good communists or good liberals, indistinctly.

                      But  apart  of  internationalists  or  pacifists  they  can  be  collaborators  of  the
               Carthaginian  imperial  system,  working  from  inside  of  their  Nations,  or  in  those  that  don’t

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