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P. 685

believe, to favour the contribution of utilitary value that the imperialists have assigned to their
               population  or  country;  or  can  be  international  agents  of  the  Imperialism  and  consecrate
               themselves to execute their plans. Anywise, their taks will consist, from inside or form outside,

               to divide, i.e., to apply the Principle of Division there were something united exists that is
               opposed to the Carthaginian-Anglo Saxon Imperialism: intrigue, the bribery, the corruption,
               the Machavellianism, the indiousness, the defamation, the publicity, the misinformation, etc.,
               all the means and crimes will be valid to divide everyone and fortify the parts that are useful
               and  serve  to  the  foreign  Imperialism.  In  the  formation  of  lackeys  of  this  kind,  the
               Carthaginian-Anglo Saxon Imperialism has always excelled. The classic type is the «sepoy».

                      Naturally, I am not referring to the Hindu sepoy, the concrete man who many times
               with incredible courage tried to free himself from the English despoiler, but to the typo of the
               sepoy,  to  the  class  of  man  «valuable  to  its  service»  that  the  English  wanted  to  fabricate
               dividing all his principles. In Carthage existed thousands of mercenaries of this kind. In Asia
               and in Africa the English would fabricate them by hundreds of thousands.

                      Thus we arrive to Chiang Kai-Shek, which was the classic type of sepoy at the service of
               colonial potence Carthaginian-Anglo Saxon, and we realized that at defining the terms of such
               personage  aright can’t have anything of «nationalist» and much of imperialist agent. He, as
               Ghandi in the India, Marcos in the Philippines, F. Duvailer Haiti, Reza Pahlevi in Iran, Tito in
               Yugoslavia,  Fidel  Castro  in  Cuba,  and  any  uncountable  tyrants  of  Asia,  Africa  and  Latin
               America, were great sepoys who systematically divided the real nationalist movements of their
               countries and then crushed them part by part; it is understood: the nationalism is the worst
               enemy of the Carthaginian- AngloSaxon Imperialism.

                      Well  now,  neffe:  I  have  demonstrated  you  that  the  Supreme  Principle  of  the
               Carthaginian-AngloSaxon  Imperialism  is  the  Principle  of  Division  and  I  opposed  it  to  the
               Principle of Honour, that fundaments the Aryan Universal Imperialism. Then: it must be added
               that such «Principle of Division» is essentially non-Aryan.

                      But is not only about a presumption, of the fact that as Carthaginians as Phoenicians,
               Egyptians,  Assyrians,  Babylonians,  etc.,  have  employed  it  profoundly,  because  in  the  Aryan
               Realms  where  the  priestly  hypocrisy  has  predominated  for  some  period  the  Principle  of
               Division has been used as well, due to the Priestly castes and the Synarchy also registers both
               common interests. The proof of their Aryan origin is, as could not be in other way, in their
               biblical  procedence.  That’s  to  say,  the  Principle,  that  gives  the  Right  to  Divide,  although
               ancient and not Aryan, finds its juridical formulation in the population that whorshipps a God
               of  Justice,  One  that  puts  the  Tablets  of  the  Law;  and  that  population  is  Israel,  the  Chosen
               People by Jehovah-Satan.

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