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P. 754
duet, without stopping. The roars that they released were deafening, and very intense, so I
entered to the bed, cold of threat and desperate. «They will wake up Uncle Kurt» I foolishly
thought, and I concentratred myself in the Yantra again, trying to form a word to stop the
canine concert. I imagined that the word would be «silence» but, How it is said silence in
Sanskrit or Tibetan, unique languages in which the concept with the key of the Kilkor Svadi
could be translated? «Uncle Kurt had said it to me», I assured to myself, while I tried to
remember vainly. And was then when was produced the first series of disastrous phenomenons
that would happen during that infernal night.
It occurred as if my consciousness would have been unlimited expanded all of suden: I
perceived the entire room with just one glance, but without looking, as if a more powerful
will than mine obeyed me to do so. Then I looked at the exterior of the house, the Property,
everything at once; and the city of Santa María, and the path of Salta, and my own Property
in Cerrillos. I saw Dad, Mom, Katalina, Enrique and Frederick, my cousins, and even the dog
Canuto. As mesmerized, I saw everything and I could stop seeing. Impromptu from the bottom
of my vision field, just in front of me, and as emerging from behind the Peaks of the Obispo, a
point started to grow at a portentous velocity until occupy my entire attention. I’ll never forget
it! Taking the words that Princess Isa said unto Nemrod, I’d affirm that it was treating about
«the most hideous and abominable monster that can imagined in an eterniy of
madness», one «which cannot be described by any mortal without losing the sanity».
And what saved me from that Presence of Hell? Undoubtedly the Virgin of Agartha, the Seed of
Stone that She deposited on January 21 into a human and mortal heart; the Seed that,
nevertheless, had germinated and made of me what I am now.
Because the past would have died right there, in front of the Demon who had
contemplated me for a moment with a hate that I never believed possible that anyone could
experience. But now I had enough forces to face him and get him away from me. Yes; it
disappeared from the sight and the vision was dissipated. I found myself again in the room of
Santa María, seated in the bed and hearing how the dogs howled ceaselessly. I understood in an
instant that my mind, at trying to hush the dogs daivas, it «neglected», offered a weak flank,
and was «synthonized», capted, by a Demon of the White Fraternity, a representative of the
Potencies of the Matter, perhaps the Immortal Bera, perhaps Ridgen Djapo, perhaps the own
Evidently, I was not completely decentralized because I heard, or believed to hear, the
voice of Uncle Kurt thundering the words «Nischala miravâta svadi» directly in the interior of
the psyche, with which the dogs stopped to bark immediately. The truth was that one instant
later Uncle Kurt really irrupted in my room, screaming «Arturo! Arturo!»
–Arturo! Are you ok, thanks to the Gods! –He exclaimed at turning on the light and v
erfying that I was still alive–. What have you done, Arturo? The Demon Bera has localized you! I
felt him for a moment as that time in the glen of La Brea, in the Tibet!
I reffered him the imprudent use that I made of the Yantra.
–Oh, Arturo, –He was impressed– you have been very strong to liberate yourself from
him. But I don’t think that’s enough. I fear a lot that the Druids have discovered this house. We
will have to leave from here as soon as possible.
I didn’t know what to say, Irrationally, I took the wristwatch from the table of light and I
inquired the hour: «the 0:10 hrs» –I said– and I turned the head towards Uncle Kurt, who was