Page 757 - Microsoft Word - Belicena respaldo
P. 757

However, he was also recovering himself on those moments; and I verified that he had fallen
               onhis knees, as also occurred to him in the Tibetan glen of La Brea, more than 40 years before. I
               remained some minutes stationary, ordering the ideas, until I suddenly remembered the last

               instant of the phenomenon, when I lived my own agony and of all my relatives. And then I
               comprehended.  Then  I  knew  that  it  was  real,  that  something  irretrievable  had
               happened to my family. Decomposed of panic I interrogated with the gaze to Uncle Kurt: in
               the horror that I read in his eyes I knew that I was right.

               Finally I achieved to articulate the words and I screamed:

               –Mom, Katalina! Oh, Uncle Kurt: something terrible has happened to the family!

               What has happened, Uncle Kurt, what has happened?

               –I think that something horrifying, Arturo. I don’t want to alarm you, but it seems that the
               Demon Bera didn’t reach to find out your whereabouts, and mine, but I fear that he saw in you
               psyche was enough to find the Property of Beatriz in Cerrillos. If it is thus, our family has run
               grave danger. We must go to Salta immediately, Arturo! Ask for a telephonic conversation while
               I prepare the Jeep!

               «To Salta, thirty minutes of delay», was the laconic answer of the operator. I requested likewise
               the communication with urgent character and I begged her to activate it every ten minutes.
               She  notified  me  then  the  hour  in  which  my  request  was  settled:  were  just  the  0:30  hrs.  In
               fifteen or twenty minutes has occurred everything. Could it be? Could the Demons act in so
               little time? That doubt, inconsistent, gave me a little hope. But that was only until Uncle Kurt
               returned from the garage and I communicated him my inquietude.

               He shook his head in a negative and discouraging gesture, and said me:

               –I’d like to confirm your hope but I don’t want to deceit you. We musn’t be optimist in any way:
               the Immortals dominate the Time and Space, they are Masters in the art to travel through the
               uncountable Worlds of the Illussion of Maya. They cannot find us, as they couldn’t do it with
               Belicena and Noyo Villca, because Our Initiated Spirits are really isolated from Time and Space
               by the Runes  of  Wothan; or  by the Vrunes  of  Navutan, if  you  prefer.  They don’t know our
               Reality, or the World that the Spirit affirms from the Origin, and that disconcerts them, avoid
               them to localize us; but once obtained the real reference of a determined World, to it
               they can go and arrive in any Time and Space.

               I don’t know why I was asking if I knew that it was thus. But I got exited for moment trusting
               in that my reasoning was valuable, awaiting vainly that the reason prevail over the irrationality

               that was seizing from my life. The bell of the telephone took me out from so bitter reflections.

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