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P. 760

blood», but this is different: he, or the killers, are without doubts psychopaths, perhaps the
               escaped from the hospital where you work. They have committed the crimes with a savagery
               never seen here. You better enter prepared.
                      In the interior the disorder was total, after the pass of the unknown cops that executed
               their even more unknown expertises. In the dinner room, the edges of two tables had been
               leaned,  and  upon  them  were  deposited  the  five  corpses.  Prudent  bed  sheets  covered  the
               exposition  of  the  bodies.  Uncle  Kurt  tightened  one  of  my  arms  with  his  steal  hand  and  he
               discovered the same corpse by himself.
                      –Beatriz! –He screamed.
                      –Mom, Oh Mom! What have they done to you! –I screamed desperate, at verifying that
               the  sweet  countenance  of  my  mother,  tensed  now  by  a  grimace  of  indescribable  horror,
               appeared beheaded from ear to ear.
                      –Do you see? –Comented the Commisar amiss–. It is about the most aberrant criminal
               act that I have seen in my life, incomprehensible, undoubtedly product of a sick mind.
                      The  next  bodies  corresponded  to  my  sister  Katalina  and  her  two  sons,  Enrique  and
               Federico, They didn’t show signal of any violence.
                      –We thought that they were poisoned, and we were going to move them to the local
               morgue to practice the autopsy when you arrived. Now that you have seen them I will give the
               order to charge them in the ambulances. To the others there will be no necessity to charge
               because their death is obvious and it has been already determined by the medical examiner:
               your mother was beheaded, according to what you have verified, and your father died by skull
               flattening,  surely  resisting  to  the  attack:  Do  you  have  something  to  object  about  this
                      I moved the head negatively and I uncovered the body of my Dad: the strike came from
               above, discharfed with a blunt object skilfully utilized, because it just sank two centimeters of
               the cranial vault, at the height of the brain.
                      Uncle Kurt was as adentminded before the lifeless body of Katalina and her sister. The
               ambulances had already taken Katalina and her sons. And the cops started to leave. I invited
               the Commisar to a coup, and I signalized him many boxes of our best Suavignon, indicating
               him to distribute them to his men, forbidden act of cortesy by the police regulations but that
               would be taken as an inhospitable gesture if it is not offered. The Commisar didn’t delay to
               charge the boxes of wine and reunite with me in the kitchen. Cold Chablis and crude ham was
               consumed in quantity, while the tongue of the cop loosened. Then Uncle Kurt joined us.
                      –Who gave the new? –I asked.
                      –The personal enters at 5:00 –He replied–. It seems that a creole called «Jorge Luna» was
               first who arrived. He was surprised at noticing that all the lights of the house were turned on
               «as ina party night», according to what he declared; then he approached to kitchen, where his
               father was always drinking mate from the 4:30 hrs, but he idn’t see anyone. So, he began to
               walk  around  the  house  thinking  that  his  father  would  be  outside.  The  first  signal  that
               something bad had occurred was at finding the dog, literally slipt into two pieces, ner to the
               taheebos. Some meters from there, was the corpse of Mr. Siegnagel, with a shattered skull.
                      At first sight and speculating a little –Continued the Commisar– I’d tell you that at least
               two accomplice have intervened, maybe three. Two are indispensable to reconstruct the fact
               with certain logic, because it result evident that your father went out from the house requested

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