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looking at me with extortionate eyes.
                      I  didn’t  delay  to  understand  the  motive  of  his  horror:  it  was  the  buzz,  the
               unmistakable buzz of the honeybee. In reality, such euphonic sound of the Dordje was only
               adverted  when  its  complementary  effects  were  already  occurring.  At  the  beginning  I  didn’t
               notice it, but then, naturally after that Uncle Kurt perceived it, I heard it clearly, filling the
               ambience with the sensation of the arrival of an innumerable swarm. But at that height was
               impossible to react because the pressure over the heart not admitted distractions. I left myself
               to  fall  backwards,  until  my  head  hit  the  pillow,  and  I  relaxed  myself  the  best  I  could;
               unconsciously I covered my ears with the hands, but the mortal sound still penetrated, at each
               instant with more intensity; and the heart, completely out of control, seemed to go out from
               my chest. And the worst had not come yet.
                      I  experienced  a  growing  paralysis  in  all  the  body  and  I  reasoned,  at  the  end  of  the
               psychical resistence, that the better mental tactic to fight against the powerful Force of the
               Demons’ Will would consist into concentrate the thought in an idea far from the trrible reality
               of the Dordje. To think on another thing, but on what? Oh Gods, how much greedy of ideas can
               turn a dreamy imagination as mine in such limit situation, when the animal life is in danger!
               And how much more greedy can turn if, as the Hyperborean Wisdom assures, the Created Soul
               is willing to betray us due to its substance is part of the Creator, participant  of his Archetype
               and image and likeness! There I verified it without doubts: the Sould would always betray the
               Spirit, the Self, to favour the Will of the Demons, that belong to the White Hierarchy in which
               the Creator-One splits and incarcerates! Because suddenly came to me a saviour idea at last:
               was a remembrance of universitary my student days, when I assisted to classes of Biology.  And
               I didn’t let myself to be carried away by the memory; and it seemed that I liberated myself for a
               moment  from  the  pressure  of  the  Dordje.  Yes;  the  Soul,  owner  of  the  memory  and
               remembrances, had finally obeyed the will of the Self and was taking me out from such deadly
               reality.  Was  a  class  of  Biology,  I  remembered  it  perfectly;  I  was  surrounded  by  tens  of
               classmates;  upon  what  treated  the  class?  Oh,  yes!  Physiology  of  insects!  Now  the  Professor
               Jacobo Cañás was entering to the Magistral Classroom and started to develop the class. Theme:
               «the common bee»; also classified with the name of Apis mellifica by Linneo; Apis doméstica
               by Reaumur; Apis cerifera by Scopoli; Apis gregaria by Geoffroy; and many other names with
               which Great Naturists have designed the same insect».
                      I lacked of forces to go out from the remembrance. Some inside of me, the same that
               was trying to sink me in the Abyss the night of the seism of Salta, have betrayed me once again.
               Of, if I would have ascended for succor up the Virgin of Agartha; as then, if I would have been
               rapted by her Divine Grace! With securtity, such rapture of the Absolute Woman was what the
               kâulikas called the Kula. The Kula would have converted me in Akula, in living Shiva, and the
               Spirit would have been situated «beyond the Kula and Akula». With security, then, that was the
               real path of salvation to go out from fence of the Demons, that I didn’t know to find at the first
               instance for manifested lack of faith in Myself, for the distrust in the fact that my Spirit could
               be really loved by the Goddess of the Eternal Liberation.
                      Instead,  I  remained  in  the  class  of  the  Professor  Jacobo  Cañás:  «the  buzz  of  the
               hymenopterans  is  generally  a  combination  of  three  different  tones,  generated  in  different
               organs. The most intense is the one of the wings, although is of the minor frequency: for a

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