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which formed a puddle around the corpse. He put the smoky heart inside the mushroom hat,
which was floating over the blood as a grotesque replica of the boat of Kharon, and rapidly he
knelt upon the exanimate body of Birsha. With accurate cuts of the hill knife, sharp as a razor,
went cutting the waistcoat of fine English cashmere and the not less valuable shirt of Chinese
silk, at reaching the flesh, he practiced a profound central incision, which then would grow till
expose the extreme of the ribs and the thoracic cavity, which in those Demons was located at
the right side of the body.
–«I knew it Uncle Kurt!» –I discovered consternated–. And think that I dared to put
his Honour through his places; he not only knew that we could fail: he also knew why we could
fail. And nevertheless have known it, he stayed in silence to fulfil the orders of the Lord of
Venus. I remembered the advice of Captain Kiev: «At finalizing the operation you’ll see
what you didn’t contemplate at the beginning, but I think that if you would have seen
at the beginning it would prevent you to end the opeartion». Avalokiteshvara, She was
what I didn’t contemplate at the beginning, because if I’d have supposed that Her Mercy would
aid the Demons to overcome the panic I’d have not started the Operation Bumerang! And
Uncle Kurt had undertood it then, he who complained of not comprehend anything, but he had
remained in silence because he knew how much I wanted to attack the Demons. For that reason
he made me buy the sulphuric acid without giving me more explanations: he had a theory too;
he knew an alchemist manner to neutralize the protection of the Great Mother Binah; or knew
how to maintain the panic of the Demons. Promptly I’d know what the answer was.
About the sulphuric acid, he had only told me «fix the organic matter in Saturn». «At
introducing the heart, seat of the Soul, in the sulphuric acid, we’re constellating the Soul in
Saturn, situating it in the beginning of the Universe and contributing to its involutive
regresion». According to the plan, to me corresponded to introduce the hearts in the carafe of
acid. But now I presumed that such recommendation aimed to another objective, apart of the
declared by Uncle Kurt.
I put the carafe in the doorthreshold and I uncovered it; I took the mushroom hat, which
had recently received its second heart, and I placed it beside him; and, not without certain
repugnance, I disposed myself to take the diabolic organs. Was then when I stopped fascinated,
and then I remained paralyzed of fright.
It is written: «the hearts belong to Avalokiteshvara». The heart of the animal-man,
the Earthen Man, receive the protection of Great Mother Binah by means of the Intellegentia
of YHVH; and his crepuscular consciousness, receive more light by means of the Sapentia of
the Great Father Hokhmah.
Chapter XIV
As I said, I was going to take the human hearts of Bera and Birsha, when I stopped fascinated:
the cause was the scintilla luminis, sparks of light, that started to sprout from them.
Thousands of sparks which jumped in all direcctions, either turning in cyrcles, or in spiral, or