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P. 786

and, affirming it mentally, he demonstrated me in effective manner how the dogs daivas were
               going directly to the site where it parked.
                      Uncle Kurt dedicated the 25 of March integrally to construct the order with the Kilkor
               svadi:  all  the  operation  depended  from  the  precision  of  that  order  and  its  meticulousness
               resulted comprehensible. He just employed some hours the coordinate with me the movements
               that we would do before our foes. For example, we agreed that he would shoot first, and always
               leftwards, meanwhile I should cover the right.
                      I dedicated the 25 of March integrally to leave fixed the operation of the Property.
                      Some neighbourhoods, through the participation in the product of the harvest, acceded
               willingly to take care of the wineyards and the future vintage; it’d not be difficult task because
               Dad  had  the  productive  mechanisms  properly  oiled  and  all  the  work  would  be  reduced  to
               administrate the field and supervise the operators. We signed an improvised contract, in which
               I included clause completely uncommon: they compromised themselves to clean the winepress
               and to inject the 20.000 liters of Tar in one of the waterholes of the Property, which
               napase  was  dried  since  many  years  ago  and  which  mouth  was  still  opened  with  a
               cistern. I did this because I could not run the risks that the Pitch could be sold or utilized
               energetically: I didn’t forget not for an instant that such lake of asphalt constituted an
               organic  synthesis  of  our  blood,  which  represented  the  blood  of  the  Lineage  von
                      On March 25, at the 18:00 hrs, I acquired the unqui element that Uncle Kurt requested
               to complete the tactical equipment: a carade of Teflon, with  hermetic  bagel, filled with  five
               liters of sulphuric acid.
                      On March 26 of 1980, we were prepared to intiate the operation.

               Chapter XII

                      We could have acted that same morning, but Uncle Kurt preferred to wait for the night
               and  employ  the  day  to  review  until  the  last  detail  of  the  «Bumerang  Operation».  We  had
               baptized it in that way, a little in joke and a little in earnest, considering that, analogously to
               those Australian weapons, the hits of Bera and Birsha would return against whom sent them.
                      At the 19:30 we were already charging the equipmentand we were preparing ourselves to
               leave. At the 19:30 hrs we went out from the house, because the dying twilight would avoid
               that no one be amazed to see us dressing military clothings. Next to the Taheebo, the dogos
               were  the  image  of  the  canine  tranquillity.  We  stayed  calm  too.  And  I  was  not  thinking  in
               anything anymore. We knew the details of what we had to do and our only preoccupation was
               to act fast.
                      Uncle Kurt took the reins of the dogs daivas and put them alert. Both stood up abruptly
               and, moving with prodigious sinchronicity, they tensed their muscules and moved the heads
               upwards, as snooping in the air the inceivable trace. I remained behind Uncle Kurt; I had on my
               backs, subjected with ropes, the carafe of acid, and hanging from the shoulder, ready to shoot,
               the impeccable Itaka. At last, we had decided to dress ourselves with the command uniform for

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