Page 782 - Microsoft Word - Belicena respaldo
P. 782
–I already told you, Maidana, which were the terms of the deal: you take it or not.
–I´ve no choice, Siegnagel! Of coruse that I can give you weapons.
We have every kind of weapons! Tell me, just, what damn kind of weapons you want.
–We need a kinf of weapon that be very effective from close range, to destroy the body.
Two riffles of repetition would be ideal –I suggested.
–I can give you two Itakas thins same afternoon. What else?
–Well… ammunitions for the riffles and… is it possible to obatain hand weapons too? –I
realized that he lacked of military training as to ask for the things with clarity. Uncle Kurt, who
was specialist in the matter, remained silent to not call the attention about his knowledge.
–Hand weapons? There are hundreds of handweapons at your disposition; but, if you let
me intervene with my experience in this matter, it seems to me that the best will be that you
explain me what do you think that you’re going to do and let me in charge of the equipment.
I couldn’t, of course, explain him the plan. But I could show him some general details.
–It treats about a command operative against the killers.
–What kind of operative?
–An ambush –I defined.
–Well then you don’t need any kind of hadnsweapon but machinepistoles. And you must
also carry grenades of fragmentation. Look, Siegnagel: I prepared you two teams SWAT,
adequated for this type of operation. Where are you goin to operate, can you carry a combat
–Yes…I think so –I replied. Look with the shank of the eye to Uncle Kurt and I saw that
he assented–. What importance it has?
–Is that the combat coats that I’ll give to you have all the necessary pockets, rings and
shackles –He explained–. They will carry machipistoles, which are to small even if they shoot a
thousand bullets per second, in a holster pouch, and you will resort to them only in case of
necessity, because you will carry the Itakas in the hands. The Itakas can be used with leash for
the shoulder or with leg pouch, but for the case I suggest the leash. They have capacity for 8
cartridges, what confers them an infernal fire power; with just one charge should be enough for
an ambush, but, if you must sustain a gunfire, you’ll find more cartridges in the jacket.
Likewise, in other pockets are the extra-loaders for the machinepistoles and in the belt the ten
grenades of fragmentation. For the doubts that you be obeyed to demolish something, I will
also provide you two trotyl breads with electronic detonator each one, which will be also
subjected to the in the jacket. I’ll complete you the team with two hill knives, which sheath is
sewed in the interior part of the jacket. Satisfied, Dr. Siegnagel?
–When you can give me such equipment? –I asked admired.
–This same afternoon. Now give the name of the contact.
–Captain Diego Fernández. In 1978 was destined to Tucumán. He doesn’t know meand
surely he doesn’t know what happened to Belicena Villca three moths ago. He will not refuse to
talk with you when be warned that we are trying to protect his Comrade.