Page 784 - Microsoft Word - Belicena respaldo
P. 784

–Not now, not now, Dr. you are as tired as me and it is not convenint to continue with
               the hypothesis but to go to sleep as sson as possible. When I return, I said him. You will see
               that then you’ll find the manner to explain it to me!
                      He left immediately, and I never saw him again.
                      On  that  night,  a  sepulchral  silence  descended  upon  the  Property.  Uncle  Kurt  was
               entertained for an hour examining the weapons, while I utilized that time to bury Canuto. My
               loyal dog had received a kind of ray in the midst of his body, perhaps a hit of the Dordje, and he
               was devastated: he would never wait me in the palisade again to give me his affection, during
               those two hundred meters until the house that corresponded just to him. And I would never
               see my parents again, and my sister with her children, at the end of the path. Damn Demons
               Bera and Birsha! Damn Priests of The One Jehovah Satan! Damn Sacred Sacrificers! Soon, very
               soon, we would see our faces again and they would be executed.
                      No «Bera and Brisha» due to, as Uncle Kurt repeated, «The Immortals cannot die», but
               the «Asian killers» of my family yes, the human manifestation of Bera and Birsha. They would
               now my fury; the one of Uncle Kurt; and of all the members of the House of Tharsis that They
               murdered, tormented, and chased, and that now pretended to come in my help and encourage
               me. Because if I had the will strength to impose myself to Uncle Kurt and force him to accept
               my plan was precisely for that: beucase I had the certainty that to kill the Asian murderers was
               a  matter  of  Honour;  but  above  all;  and  I  felt  patently  that  in  that  yearning  the  House  of
               THarsdis accompanied me spiritually. I saw Belicena Villca clearly; and heard her talking to me,
               which was referred to the last words of her letter: «Yes, Dr. Siegnagel; it is a matter of honour
               to end with Bera and Birsha! They have committed a mistake and you must take adventage of
               it;  the  House  of  Tharsis  accompany  you  in  your  descision!  Now  you  will  demonstrate  that
               you’re a Kshatriya! And then, very soon, we will see each other during the Final Battle, or in
                      The Spirit of Belicena Villca was guiding me; I was sure about it; perhaps She was who
               brought so opportunely the Commisar Maidana to Cerrillos.
                      I finished burying Canuto at the feet of my favourite Taheebo, and I returned to the
                      Uncle Kurt had left to the superior floor taking with him the totality of the equipment. I
               drank the umpteenth coffee of the day and went turning off the lights until I arrived to my
               room, i.e., the room that belonged to Katalina, and I submerged myself rapidly in the repairer
               indifference of the dream.

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