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P. 779
and fell upon me, inside of me, sinking into the Bottom of Myself; the terrible experience
obeyed me to close the eyes, but the I opened then again, still paralyzed, and I saw the mirror
again: but it didn’t reflect the spider anymore but to a wonderful a beauty Sword; I recognized
it immediately, it was the Wise Sword of the Huse of Tharsis, unmistakable with its two hawks
in the quillon, its Stone of Venus, its spiralled ivory hilt with Unicorn horn and the legend
«Honor et Mortis»; it was as animated, as provided of a life that peeked furtively behind the
symbolic form; once again I took it to the mirror, noticing amazed that now it could cross the
surface; I arrived then to Sword with intentios to take it, but at touching it, this was
surprinsingly transformed and also jumped to me, entered in me, it was transferred to the
bottom of Myself; but this time it was not a spider but a Lady, the most beautiful lady that I
ever conceived, only comparable to the Uncreated Beauty of the Virgin of Agartha, who re-
entered in Myself, and that I only saw furtively, just as She permitted that her Eternal Life be
perceived under the Symbolic Clothes, Vrunic, of the Wise Sword; in that nuptial instant, at
seeing her for first and last time in life, I screamed unknowing why: «I’ve found you again!»;
and She kissed me at passing, losing herself in the Infinite Blackness of Myself, and leaving
me plunged in an indescribable ecstasy, colder than ever, harder than ever, more complete than
ever: Stone of Ice, Man of Stone, Kâlibur Woman, Wise Sword, Kâli; O Kâli!. «O, Kâli»,
murmured Uncle Kurt at entering and transporting me to the bitter reality of the funeral in
Cerrillos. It costed to me to recover lucidity, after so vivid dream, and as in dreams I heard
Uncle Kurt reviewing the message of Captain Kiev. Of course, he didn’t do it without making
his personal protest.
–I spoke with Captain Kiev, neffe! As I did it 35 or 40 years ago! And you were right: it is
convenient to execute your plan, strategically convenient! What doesn’t mean
necessarily that the plan be good. So, don’t be too happy, because the Lord of Venus made a
warning, ambiguous, as all the warnings of the Gods. But before talking about it, I’ll tell
you that nothing has changed after so many years, that for me all remains equal, i.e., in
the most opaque nebula; and that I tired of this life in which I have the power but, at not
understanding the power, at not including the Symbol of the Origin that I am, I don’t achieve
to insert myself rationally in the Strategy, in the Great Strategy of the Loyal Siddhas and the
Führer. Once again history has been repeated; when I commented to Captain Kiev that I had no
faith in the effectivity of that plan, and even less after the warning that that he had
transmitted me, he said me textually «that I not comprehended the situation». Can you
see neffe? –He asked with an aflicition that resulted comic for me– The Gods confirm the
diagnosis of Tarstein, von Grossen, the kâulikas, and many others! I don’t understand
the situation, any situation, it seems! I know that and it fills me grief, but they seem to give a
damn my grief: it is enough for them to give my power to realize their demential plans, even if
I don’t understand them. And the Captain Kiev participates of this attitude: my function is
not to comprehend but to act, comply with the orders to the letter. To comprehend the
Strategy are the men as Tarstein and you, the emulators of Nimrod, the Kassite King, the
madmen who plan and achieve to prosecute with the war in Heaven, and take Heaven by
assault. Of course that with our indispensable collaboration, the powerfuls who ignore how to
apply the power, who «don’t comprehend the situation», but must employ all our power to save
the bacon of the Wisemen.