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P. 775

which are the steps that we must make! Whatever be answer that They offer to you I will accept
               it. And I will accept it from you: I will believe what you will tell me.
                      In reality in what I trusted was in that the Honor of Uncle Kurt would impide him to
               deceit me. And if, afterall, he deceited me, there: the Führer, who was who communicated him
               the Scrota Krâm, would be in charge of it. More than to persuade him by the eloquence, with
               my speech I wanted to put Uncle Kurt in a dialectic trap that would obey him to opt between to
               carry out the attack of the Demons or betray the Strategy of the Führer. That if my plan was
               correct, I would never know it. Logically, I was so sure that my plan was as good as him that
               the conversation with the Commisar Maidana had deranged my reason.
                      By  the  moment,  Uncle  Kurt  went  silent.  I  took  him  out  of  the  absorption  because  I
               needed to count with his approval before explain him the plan. To not fail, I accuded to a smite
               of dramatic effect.
                      –What  are  you  saying,  Uncle  Kurt?  Will  you  talk  with  Captain  Kiev  and  receive  his
               message? Do you want me to beg you? It doesn’t ashame to beg you: do it for me. Remember
               that when I went to Santa María, and you almost killed me with the dogs daivas, you assured
               that that if I’d have died you would have committed suicide: what can be worse than that? Or
               what occurred to us later, when the Demons exterminated our Lineage? Yes Uncle Kurt, I beg
               you: for one time in your life relax a little your atubborness!
                      –Wait a moment –He interrupted me– that is not for too much. You musn’t exaggerate.
               Your proposition seems fair to me and I accept it in good grade. I will make use of the Scrotra
               Krâm again, that certainly I never used since the Second War, and I will procure to inquire the
               Will  of  the  Gods.  Is  just  that  it  is  difficult  to  me  to  conceive  the  utility  of  your  plan:  the
               Immortals cannot die. But perhaps you’re right, overall, and that it is real to realize your
               demential idea. Now, can you confirm me with details what my intuition has already shown
               me, to despoil any doubts about what I have to consult?
                      I  had  convinced  him!  The  bird  was  in  the  bag!  The  goat  had  fallen  in  the  lasso!  I
               shuddered with happiness, but I not made any gesture that deleated my animic state, which
               was comparable to the one of Ciceron when he convinced the Senate that Rome had to fight
               with Carthage: if he capted my thoughts it was something, that I could not prevent, but I would
               try that nothing could offend him. Although he didn’t lose the opportunity to signalize me that
               my plan could only proceed from a madman.
                      –Strategically –I explained– my plan was based in the principle of the two Realities that I
               mentioned  before.  To  be  clearer,  I  affirm  that  the  Demons,  to  attack  us,  have  decided  to
               descend to the plane of the Human Reality and that have turned them vulnerable in  such
               plan. It is not too much. But, what else can we ask for? The Hyperborean Wisdom teaches that
               the nature of fear is essentially animal, it means, animic, human, own of the Immortal Soul;
               contrarily, the Eternal Spirit is pure courage, it doesn’t know the fear, which is essentially
               strange  to  it.  Well  now:  Bera  and  Birsha  are  two  Immortal  Souls  highly  evolved,  but  the
               nature of fear is not strange to them; on the contrary, they must be capable to feel fear,
               and  a lot; When?  When they  be surpassed  by  the  force.  That is because, as every animnic
               essence, they only understand one language:  the one of the force. Of course, They conscious
               about their own force, and for that reason they don’t fear an enemy that they know that is
               inferior in force, as the Spirits Chained to Matter are, as the spiritual men are. For that they

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