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P. 776
are right to not fear men if They are supermen; and it is true that it represents a madness to
try to attack Bera and Birsha out from the plane of the Human Reality. But now the case is
different because they have situated themselves in the Plane of the Human Reality becoming
momentarily human beings, offering a weak point in their Strategy: now we can attack them
in their human weakness as they attacked us.
What would we gain if, as you say, finally «the Immortals cannot die»? Seen it thus, as
you resolve it, it means from the principles, in case to take them away their human lives we
would just achieve to disincarnate their Immortal Souls. This is: we would not achieve
anything. But I think that it is not thus as has to be responded to the problem because at
clinging to a unique principle other principles are left away, as important as that of the
Immortality of the Soul, that even if they are considered can give us relative strategic
advantage. Concretelly, I am refering to the principle of fear, already expossed, and the
«avalanche effect» that has place in the terrorific territory, it means, the panic: as
professional of the psychic phenomenons, I know very well that the sensation of fear grows
following an exponential curve, which is inverse to the volitive curve; in a determined point,
both curves crosses and then the fear dominates the will, or what is the same, the will is
debilitated before the instinctive force, and overcomes the panic, during which the animic
remains out from the rational control, it becomes rational.
My theory is the next: Normally we would not have enough forces to attack the
Immortal Souls Bera and Birsha and cause them fear to put them to flee. Abnormally, They
have situated themselves in the plane of the Human Reality, they have incarnated in human
beings, they have become Priests: diabolic Priests but human beings at last, with their limited
visison by the reason and for the instinct of fear. Against human beings, no matter how
diabolic they are, we have weapons to fight; and enough force to cause them a great fear;
such fear that will turn in terror; such terror that wil break their satanic pride, their
magical security that they cannot be defeated by human beings, and infuse them
panic; such panic that will leave the Immortal Souls Bera and Birsha instantly ouyt of
control: as in an avalanche, a small initial force will be amplified in a great final force;
as in a cosmic panic, a small intial fear, human, will be amplified ina great final
terror, at the level of the Immortal Souls.
You know what Time is, Kurt: mere illusion. The only Reality of Time, in the plane of the
Creator of Time, is the Beginning and End of Time, which are identical. And you know is the
security for the Magician: the source of power; the Magician can’t doubt not even one time
because his magical power is cut; the magician must always believes that he is powerful,
more powerful each time: that is the «satanic pride»; just one instant of doubt and such
belief will remain broken, «broken the satanic pride», lost the evolution reached due to the
consequent metaphysical fall. And according to my theory, if we achieve that instant of panic in
Bera and Birsha, that will be equivalent to their own magical destruction and their
authomatic remission to the Beginning of Time due to the loss of instantaneous
evolution. I don’t know if two Immortal Souls evolved as Bera and Brisha would achieve to
return from such situation of total involution. But, if we accept the Hyperborean Wisdom, it
must be remembered that it teaches that as the Beginning of Time, as the End, is found in the
Mahapralaya, the not Manifestation or the Final Death of all the animic. In the Beginning of