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Chapter IX
Uncle Kurt demanded to stay alone in my room. I’d consult Captain Kiev immediately with his
Scrota Krâm about the convenience to realize or not my demential plan. I had the
convincement that if my theory was correct my plan would approved by the Gods, undr protest
of Uncle Kurt. On one hand, the own Uncle Kurt seemed to have deposed in some measure his
negative attitude: when I concluded the speech, he just smiled, for first time in two days, and
he said:
–I was wrong, neffe. You not only look like me, as I estimated in Santa María. You also look like
Konrad Tarstein. And you have reminded it now, providing me, as you have done, one of his
demential missions. Then, at hearing it, as I hear you now, assaulted me the conviction that I
had fallen in hands of a madman. But then all went out according to the plans and I had to
surrender before whom had «better strategical vision than Me». Really, because you deserve it,
I’d wish now that the same occur and that you be right. By my part, I will always perceive
that something is missing to that plans, that they are unfinished, that they cannot
give good results. And if they are carried out to a good end, will always assault me the
impression that the success not depended of the plan, of its major or minor
perfection, as from the Divine intervention, the miracle that will save us in the last
At last, that was my Uncle Kurt, and no one could change it now. I went away to the contiguous
room, the one of the deceased Katalina, while he communicated with Gods Loyal to the Spirit
of Man.
No more than seven or eight minutes had elapsed when Uncle Kurt entered. Perhaps because
he accumulated too much tiredness, perhap0s to not think in Katalina, who hours before
occupied such room with her children until he felt that his blood turned in fire, the truth is that
once I supported the head on the pillow I began to dream. It was a symbolic dream, strange, but
very suggestive: I was unknowing how, in an edifice with many floors, communicated to each
other by countless stairs; I was searching for something I went up and dwon the stairs without
finding his whereabouts; all of suden, at ascending by a huge terraces of green stone, I acceded
to a squared platform without exit; I was going to undertake the return when I warned a subtle
movement in onw of the walls that surrounded the platform; I turned back, and at observing
with carefully, I comprehended that such wall was really a mirror; at the beginning the mirror
reflected me, to my exterior aspect, and for that reason what happened then took completely
unwarned: paralysed with terror I discovered that an enormous and hideous black spider was
observing me with same care, ; immediately I realized that that spider was Myself, or
something of me that was reflected outside; overcoming the apprehension that possessed
me, I extended shyly one hand towards the mirror, at the same time the spider advanced its
front led thither; over the speculate surface, we rub each other; then the spider bristled, as
decided to bite, and in the midst of my horror, it jumped onwards, went out from the mirror