Page 783 - Microsoft Word - Belicena respaldo
P. 783

Chapter X

                      At the 18 hrs. was realized the painful inhumation. The Siegnagel’s possessed a wide
               mausoleum in the local cemetary and there would be depositated the five coffins: the cremation
               would  not  be  seen  well  by  the  priests  of  the  population.  First,  the  funereal  caravan  passed
               through the church, according to mores, and there was officiated a mass «for the eternal rest of
               their Souls», Golem formula, still in rigor. The old priest, friend of my parents, tried to console
               me for the inmense loss suffered and insinuated covertly that my remoteness from the Church
               could be connected to the actual disgrace. I promised to return to the Dominican masses, as
               when I was a kid, and confess myself and take the communion, util the good man remained
                      A  nourished  crowd,  between  curious  and  sad,  was  reunited  in  the  necropolis  to  bid
               farewell to the mortal rests. There were, punctually, Maidana and the Commisar of Cerillos.
               This last gave me the previsible citation.

                      –I am sorry to bother you in these moments, Arturo, but will know to understand that
               we have a duty to fulfil. Tomorrow you can come to give your declaration in the Commisariat. Is
               that at 11:00 hrs: the Judge will be waiting for you, who also want to interrogate you.
                      I  promised  to  concur  with  exactitude  and  the  Commisar  left  satisfied.  After  the
               response,  the  priest  went  away  too,  and  behind  him  the  crowd,  only  remained  Uncle  Kurt,
               Maidana and Me.
                      We met again in the Property. With extreme caution, Maidana put down four bags of
               cloth  that  contained  the  SWAT  team.  He  made  us  a  thousand  recommendations  about  the
               prudence  with  which  we  had  to  manage  such  material,  and  some  clarifications  of  practical
               order. All was committed and even more: he added boots, pants, shirts and berets, finally, all
               the command dress, painted with tones apt for the hill camouflage.
                      –I  have  fulfilled  my  part  of  the  deal  –affirmed–.  And  I  wish  you  good  luck  in  the
               operation. For have dedicated myself in so little time I have not been able to rest, thus I leave
               now  I  can’t  stand  anymore.  Oh:  I  investigated  about  the  officer  Diego  Fernández!  He  is  in
               activity. Now he is Major G2, and he is destined to the Intelligence Battalion 702, in Buenos
               Aires. Tomorrow or after tomorrow I’ll go to talk with him personally!
                      –Well, Goodbye, Comrades! –He said solemnly–Oh; another thing, that I was forgetting!
               When you come back, Dr. Siegnagel, Will you clarify me those two obscure points about the
               case of Belicena Villca, those irrational facts that locked the entire investigation? I am reffering
               to that matter of the murder inside the cell hermetically locked, and the jewelled rope used in
               the constriction. I know that the Ritual crimes exist, and that, those who practice them, are
               prescisely members of the Synarchic organizations. But, what importance had to give Ritual
               form  to  the  death  of  poor  alienated,  or  the  multiple  killer  of  her  family?  Is  what  I  can’t
                      I looked at him discouraged. How to explain him that the Rituals would be effective if
               who  realized them were the Magicians of the  quality of Bera  and Birsha?  I  had to  read the
               deception in my countenance because he raised the arms in expression of stop and returned
               smiling to his car.

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