Page 785 - Microsoft Word - Belicena respaldo
P. 785
Chapter XI
On January 6 of 1980 Belicena Villca was murdered.
On January 21 1980 I experienced the spiritual rapture of the Virgin of Agartha.
On January 28 1980 I knew that I had an Uncle Kurt and was leaving to Salta.
On March 1980 Uncle Kurt finished the narration of his life and, that night, I was detected by
the Demon Bera.
On March 22 1980, at the 0,15 hrs, the Demons tried to exterminate the Lineage of the von
Sübermann. As consequence, all the members of the family died, except for Uncle Kurt and Me.
On March 22, at the 8,00 hrs we arrived to Cerrillos and noticed a quintuple murder, according
to the police version.
On March 23, at the 0,30 hrs, he came to give me his condolences and bring armed protecction,
the Comimisar Maidana.
On March 23, at the 5,45 hrs, the Commisar Maidana informed us about the existence of two
Asian killers” and their strange vehicle.
On March 23, at the 7,05 hrs, the Commisar of Cerrillos showed us the
Identikits of the Asian killers. At that time I had already conceived my plan till the last detail.
On March 23, at the 8,45 hrs, I convinced Uncle Kurt to consult my plan with captain Kiev.
On March 23, at the 10,30 hrs,we closed the contract with the Commisar Maidana: he will give
us material help is we stay in the case.
On March 23, at the 20,00 hrs, the Commisar Maidana left Cerrillosafter givning us the
command equipments; I’d not see him again.
On March 23, at the 23,00 hrs, I rested for a while, for first time since the faticial night of the
On March 24, at the 11 hrs, I presented myself in the Commisariat of Cerrillos and
effectuated my declaration. It was not too much what I knew about the murders, and of them
they doubted, because they had verified my alibi: for it they sent two policemen that realized
the inverse path towards Santa María, they collected the testimonies about our journey from
0:30 to 8:00 hrs, they inquired the telephonic operator, who knew my voice because I called to
Cerrillos frequently, and interrogated José Tobalaba and his wife, the stewards of Uncle Kurt.
No, about my absence in the scenery of the crime they didn’t doubt, neither suspected of Uncle
Kurt; what they presumed, as the police as the Judge, was that I knew the motive of
the crime, which they had discarded as common crime. Could it be a mistake? Could it be
an unknown political objective? In which I was in? Which were my ideas and activities? Why I
had moved away from the Church? Did my partents receive threats before? There was
Thus, filling me with similar questions, they retained me till the 5:00 hrs of the
afternoon and they promised to call me again.
On March 24, at the 10:00 hrs, while I was preparing myself to go to the Commisariat,
Uncle Kurt started to work with Ying and Yang. At returning, by the afternoon, the dogs daivas
had already achieved to isolate the trace of the black car: Uncle Kurt designed it with a kye word