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P. 787
being unvaluably more practice for the action, although then it’d represent a problem if we
were seen by other persons. But, What mattered that risk before the possibility to supress the
Asian killers? If the luck of the weapons resulted us adverse, there would be no return; and if
we triumphed, we would find another way to obtain other clothings. Or was that the killers
were not disguised too, no matter what the witnesses opined?
I had, then, both hands free, with the purpose to comply with the instrutions of Uncle
Kurt: –«You must cling to my waist when I start to lift». «And once in the space,
remember that you’ll have to do is to concentrate your attention all the time in me:
you cannot distract yourself not even for a second because you’d run the risk the
separate from me and get lost in the innumerable Worlds of the Illusion that we’ll
cross». «Once out from the habitual context of our life, the only way that both of us
can continue together, coinciding in Time and Space, is to maintain between us a
volitional nexus: and that is what you’ll do at maintain me under visual and tactic
It seemed that we would leave then, and I disposed myself to take him by the waist once
he move, but he turned to me again to make me recomemdations. Do you have a riffle at hand?
Once you put feet in the Chacra you must release yourself and take the weapon!
–Yes, Uncle, yes.
–Neffe Arturo? –He called me in another tone, strangely affective.
–Yes, Uncle Kurt.
–Perhaps this will be the last time we see each other. I don’t want to be pessimist, but
for the doubts, let’s say goodbye here.
Nooo, no –I exclaimed horrorized, trying to move away the soothsayer thoughts. After
all what happened to my family, I could not think without trembling in the possibility to lose
also Uncle Kurt–. Nothing bad will happen to us, dear Uncle Kurt: the victory is secure! We will
be as the boomerang that returns to the hands of whom thrown it, returns it hit, and stops!
But my arguments were vain. Uncle Kurt was back and embracing me effusively.
–Goodbye neffe –he told me with nostalgia–. Life didn’t give us the chance to know us
better. Nevertheless, it was very good to see you in Santa María those months. You returned us
the faith in the Hyperborean Wisdom at bringin answers that I expected for 35 years. Now I
will risk my last forces in the most demential of the missions that have been commited to me
ever. And this is also necessary for the Strategy of the Führer; as always, I don’t understand
why, but I know that it is. Goodbye neffe Arturo: we’ll see each other at the end; at the end of
the Bumerang Operation or when the Final Battle outbreaks.
It appeared a lump in my throat; I had no courga to say him goodbye. I just embraced
him with force.
However, Uncle Kurt continued as hadheaded as always.
–Let’s go, then –he proposed–. Just remember that, whatever occurs, I’ll not move away
from the only principle that I comprehend.
–Yes; I know, Uncle Kurt! For Wothan, don’t repeat it anymore! «The Immortals
cannot die»!
It’d be the 19:45 hrs. of the day 26 of March of 1980, and Cerrillos was very obscure.
Uncle Kurt gave the first order to Ying and Yang and instantaneously started the phenomenon: