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P. 780

Thus he continued protesting a while, while I attended him with patience. Finally, he
               spoke of what interested us with urgency.
                      –In  sum,  neffe,  that  in  the  absence  of  major  comprehension,  I  will  attend  to  the
               beginning  which  clearer  for  me:  the  Immortal  cannot  die.  And  here  goes  the  warning  of
               Captain Kiev. In general, he approved what you propound to do, but he said me these enigmatic
               words: «at finishing the operation those who didn’t contemplate it at the beginning
               will see it, but if they would have seen at the beginning it would avoid them to end the
               opeartion». You tell me, in whom the Gods trust, what he desired to say with that ambiguous
                      –Dear  Uncle  Kurt,  I  must  be  as  sincere  as  you:  I  don’t  know  it  with  security,  but  I
               presume that he is warning us about a fail in the plan; about something, an important detail,
               that I have overlooked and that, if I consider it, perhaps would make me desist to go
               on. But even thus, he advises us to act and that we will do. But I’ll not stop mulling over the
               matter; I will meditate one and a thousand times in the plan to try to discover what is hidden
               to my strategic vision: it’d not like me to receive a surprise at the end; and I would not risk
               muself for anything in the world if I would not be convinced that we are going to win. The
               surprise, Uncle Kurt, shall be received by the killers! We have to dominate all the variants of the
               attack to avoid to be surprised at the same time! I swear you that I will not leave any element
               without considering it until it aquires the maximum security in the operation!
                      Forty five minutes after I went up, we returned with the Commisar Maidana: he was
               placidly asleep in the sofa where we left him seated. Uncle Kurt asked me, at gonging dwon the
               stairs, about the tactic that I would adopt to obtain the particular help that we needed from
                      –Have you thought in what you will tell him? You are not thinking to give him details of
               the operation, Don’t you? –He sattured me with his doubts–. Look, neffe: I do not trsut in him,
               nor  in  any  person  like  him.  They  suffer  great  ideologic  confusion  and  they  cannot  be  real
               Comrades: they are with you today and tomorrow you don’t know to whom they’ll respond.

                      –Slow  Uncle  Kurt,  slow!  –I  tried  to  calm  him–.  Don’t  despise  in  that  whay  to  whom
               represents our unique support. Here, in the Argentina, he is the best that exists: we are not in
               the Third Reich anymore! That already passed! The Führer is not at sight anymore to awake
               the unlimited loyalty that you feel. We are the only ones who see the Führer, the Initiates!
               And we cannot demand them to behave as       Knights if they are obeyed to live in the world of
               the pre- Universal Synarchy: remember that even you preferred to die than to survive in this
               wolrd! Then be, a little tolerant; and don’t worry, that I’ll just tell him what he wants to
               hear. Do you comprehend, Uncle Kurt, that I can’t lie; but I cannot tell you all the truth. I will
               reveal  you,  then,  part  of  the  truth,  that  part  that  he  wants  to  know  and  that  don’t
               affect us if he knows it.
                      I  awakened  Maidana,  with  a  coup  of  tea  in  the  hand.  He  apologized  for  his  «lack  of
               control»  and  he  recovered  immediately.  He  was  drinking  the  coffee  as  water  and  in  some
               minutes he comsumed three coups, while he was hearing my proposal.
                      –I’ll  talk  him  as  Nationalist  Comrade,  Commisar  Maidana  –I  clarified–.  We  have
               coincided, with my friend, in which effectively you can facilitate us the kind of help that we

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