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P. 781

need. Logically, to reach to an agreement, I will have to put some cards o the table, thus I will
               start from the murder of Belicena Villca. Overall, I will signalize him the whereabouts of Noyo
               Villca,  Why?  Because the  young  man  was  an  Intelligence  agent  infiltrated  in  the  subversive
                      –I  knew  that  there  was  something  concrete  in  all  these!  –Maidana  exclaimed
               triumphant–. After so many madness, and profusion of false ideas, it had to be some specific
               motive which was wanted to be occulted.
                      –Indeed –I comfirmed–. And do you know for whom works Noyo Villca? Well nothing
               else than for the Argentinian Army. Even more: he was an officer of the Army, a captain G2.
                      Mother  of  God!  –He  invoked–  And  why  those  documents  don’t  figure  in  the  policial
               expedient of Belicena Villca?
                      –Because a powerful synarchic organization, which worked on all the levels of the Army,
               was occupied to hidde the information. Don’t forget that was the Army who locked her in the
               madhouse. To that organization, integrated not only be Jews, belongs the killers of Belicena
               Villca and my family. What you must recognize, because it will allow you to discover the nexus
               between both crimes, is that Noyo Villca is fugitive due to the Synarchy is trying to supress him
               to  avoid  that  his  ultra-confidential  knowledge  be  put  in  practice.  And  that  to  me,  his
               mother before dying suministrated me the keys to find it.
                      Now is all clarified! –Believed Maidana–. I congratulate you Dr. Siegnagel! You are a real
               man: you risked yourself alone for the national cause and the international killers made him
               pay it dearly! You have done well trusting in me. From now on we can work together against
               this organization and help Noyo Villca too.
                      –I don’t know later, Madiana, that I don’t see things in that way –I stopped him–. The
               favour  that  we  are  going  to  ask  you  doesn’t  consist  in  oyur  support  and  your  group  but  in
               another thing. In that sense, and for the moment, you will remain out from our action: that
               will be the base of the deal; no discussion: you take it or not. My proposal is the next: Noyo
               Villca belonged to a super-secret nationalist group of the Army: I know your contact and I am
               disposed to reveal it to you, with which your group and the one of them will be able to agre to
               work together. Thus you will not remain out of the case: but, and for the moment, I repeat you,
               you will hace to leave us to act against the killers.
                      –What do you want to say with «for the moment»? –Maidana wanted to know.
                      –I  want  to  say  that  the  restriction  that  I  impose  you  is  provisory,  motivated  in  the
               presumption that we have more possibilities of success if we operate alone. But, that we trust
               in you, it is demonstrated by the contact that I will give to you. And I’ll also give you my word
               of Honour that if our action fails, and remains another chance, we will resot without
               hesitation to you.
                      –In principle I accept –acceded Maidana–. Who is the contact?
                      –Before you must assure me that you will comply with the favour that we demand to you
                      –I prevented myself.
                      –Well tell me once of what it treats! –He demanded irritated.
                      –Weapons, Commisar Maidana. We need at least two weapons as soon as possible.
                      –What kind of weapons? –He asked hesitating; and added–I don’t know why you don’t
               leave this in hands of profesionals, Dr. you are acting out of your speciality; is as if I would be
               dedicated now to realize psychic healings.

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