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(BRANDING the Democrats as: Mean & Evil Continued from Page 1)
Democrats are now the Mean and Evil party. Your gift today will help get this book out to voters
who need to know the truth about the new Democrats
“Readers of My FedUp Voice before November 3 . Together, we can all make a big
difference in the effort to re-elect Donald Trump, win
can take an active role today back the House, and add more seats to our majority in
in helping to raise the funds the Senate.
Like Paul Revere, you can help spread the word about
needed to get this book a grave threat coming to America. That threat is the Mean
published and ready for and Evil Democrat Party—join us in this ride to victory!
distribution.” Go to: to make a
special gift to help with the distribution of this timely
FedUp PAC’s effort to get a copy of this book into and informative book that will help BRAND the New
the hands of tens of thousands, if not millions, of voters, is Democrats as the Mean and Evil Party!
part of FedUp PAC’s goal to build an army of modern-day
“Paul Reveres” who will help fund and distribute critical “Mean & Evil does a superb
educational materials. These educational materials, like job of BRANDING the New
Mean & Evil, will help empower voters about the dangers
of the Democrats’ violent, anti-God, open borders, radical, Democrats as the mean and
elitist socialist agenda just in time before America votes on
November 3 . evil party.”
Should the Democrats win in November, a Democrat-controlled White House and
Congress will roll right over America like a steam roller. In its wake, the socialist Democrats
will give us the Green New Deal, increase the Supreme Court to 15 justices, abolish the
Electoral College, add 10 to 15 million aliens to the voting rolls, clamp down on the Second
Amendment, gut national defense, and push through Congress funding for unlimited
taxpayer-paid abortions.