Page 5 - FedUp_117_Newsletter
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And the best way to help spread messages are passing copy of Mean & Evil all within a few days of each other
along the written word (letters, petitions, postcards, and . . . Rush would surely have to give the book some airtime.
books), phone calls, and in-person meetings.
“FedUp PAC supporters are
Unfortunately, it is extremely difficult to locate
direct phone numbers for influential people, and getting part of a volunteer army, like
in-person meetings can take months or longer.
That leaves passing along the written word as the a modern-day army of ‘Paul
best and most effective way for grassroots conservatives
to mount up and ride as our army of “Paul Reveres” Reveres,’ working to spread
while spreading the word about the Democrats’
socialist agenda. the truth about the Democrat
FedUp PAC is taking a leadership role by using socialist agenda.”
direct target marketing to proven lists that focus on seven
key voting blocs in 17 battleground states. One-way Likewise, by forwarding FedUp PAC’s pocket
conservatives can act today is to help with a gift to raise BRANDING cards, videos, letters and books, like Mean
the seed money to publish a new book that outlines in & Evil, to other key influencers like Sean Hannity, Mark
great detail how the new Democrats have become the Levin, and other talk show hosts like Hugh Hewitt,
party of violent, dangerous, elitist socialists. This book, Roger Hedgecock of San Diego, and Chris Plante in
entitled Mean & Evil, BRANDS the Democrats as anti- Washington, D.C., conservatives will be able to help
God and pro-abortion; a party that threatens the lives of shape the important issues facing voters in 2020.
seniors with their “Medicare -for-All” healthcare scheme
and the lives of all Americans with their open-borders To take an active role in exposing the Democrats’
beliefs. Mean & Evil exposes all this and more about socialist agenda as a modern-day “Paul Revere” by
today’s radicalized Democrat party. Just imagine if 100, helping to raise the funds needed to publish Mean &
500, or even 1,000 people were to send Rush Limbaugh a Evil, go to:
The New Democrats Embrace Violence
as Normal Behavior
The new Democrat socialists now believe that their men who beat and kicked him to the ground while
violent impulses are justified because they didn’t get shouting “You voted Trump? Don’t vote Trump.” - The
what they wanted in 2016. Not only are they mad that Chicago Crusader, November 11, 2016
they lost, they believe Trump and his supporters are
evil. Therefore, they feel justified in using any means A crazed Trump critic punched a homeowner in
necessary, including violence, to unseat the president Boynton Beach, FL for having a Trump flag in his front
and take back power. yard, and then dragged him some 30 feet while driving
away in his car. - Investor’s Business Daily, July 9, 2018
By their words and actions, the Democrats have
BRANDED themselves as the party of Mean and Evil. An anti-Trump waitress spit on President Trump’s
son Eric at a Chicago bar. - The Chicago Sun Times, June
The new Democrat socialists have, in effect, 25, 2019
normalized violent, abusive, and mean behavior to
oppress and persecute anyone who disagrees with them, In Kentucky, a man went into a rage when he saw
often resulting in physical injury and harm. another man at a Sam’s Club wearing a MAGA hat.
The raving lunatic gave the MAGA hat man the middle
Here are just a few examples of the new Democrat finger and then pulled a .40 caliber gun out and stuck it
socialists’ violent and dangerous behavior: in the man’s face shouting “It’s a good day for you to die.”
- National Review, March 20, 2019
A Trump voter was attacked by an angry mob of
(Continued on Page 6)