Page 3 - FedUp_117_Newsletter
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FedUp PAC Calls on Grassroots Conservatives to Become
an Army of Leaders to Help Re-elect President Trump
“There’s a time for casting silver; a time for the Democrats as violent, anti-God, open borders,
casting cannon.” - Paul Revere, 1770s dangerous, gun-grabbing, elitist socialists.
2020 is a time for all good conservatives to step up! “FedUp PAC supporters are
Paul Revere was right in the 1770s to prepare for an
invasion that was about to destroy America. Today, part of a volunteer army,
however, it’s not the British who are coming to destroy
America, it’s the new Democrats right here in America. like a modern-day army of
As My FedUp Voice goes to press, FedUp PAC ‘Paul Reveres,’ working to
is gearing up a major nationwide effort to expand its
BRANDING of the Democrats as dangerous elitist spread the truth about the
socialists by recruiting tens of thousands, if not millions,
of volunteer conservatives to be an army of “Paul Reveres” Democrat socialist agenda.”
to distribute FedUp PAC educational materials.
That’s because the 2020 election is the whole ball And here’s why:
game for freedom-loving Americans. Between now and We cannot wait for the GOP Establishment, political
November 3 , it will be an all-out battle to keep America consultants, and National Republican committees to give
from becoming a socialist country.And conservatives the orders; they simply do not have the “fire in the belly”
need to lead that fight. to do what is needed to reelect Donald Trump, win back
Here is how FedUp PAC is calling on conservatives the U.S. House, and add to our majority in the Senate.
to do just that. We are working to create a massive army FedUp PAC supporters are part of a volunteer army,
of grassroots conservative volunteers to help sound the like a modern-day army of “Paul Reveres,” working to
alarm about the Democrats’ socialist agenda. We are spread the truth about the Democrat socialist agenda.
building a modern-day army of “Paul Reveres” who will
give FedUp PAC materials to family, friends, coworkers, The usual “content-free” campaigns that these GOP
fellow churchgoers, and other voters to BRAND Establishment types run have failed to convince voters
that the Democrats want to fundamentally change
America forever—and in a bad way.
The FedUp PAC strategy, however, is to empower
conservatives to be their own leaders and not rely on
the “do-nothing” GOP Establishment types to reach
independents, swing voters, and moderate Democrats
with the right messages.
With the help of FedUp PAC, conservatives will
become like independent publishers and reporters, able to
bypass the biased mainstream media to empower voters
with the truth about the Democrats’ socialist agenda.
Using new and alternative media supplied by FedUp
With traditional strategies like large gatherings, training PAC (postal letters, videos, pocket cards, mini books,
sessions, rallies, and door-to-door campaigning scrapped due to
the Chinese virus, at home conservatives have the opportunity social media, and issue backgrounders), conservatives
to take on a leadership role by distributing FedUp PAC’s will be free to educate and empower voters without the
BRANDING materials via computer, iPhones, and tablets. fear or opposition from forces on the Left that wish to
(Continued on Page 4)