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And The Survey Says . . .
FedUp PAC has been conducting supporter surveys for a few months now and the editors of My FedUp
Voice have put together a recent survey questions and answers to help inform readers on FedUp PAC strategy
assessment and goals. (Survey Questions from our last newsletter)
First Question: Do you believe FedUp PAC’s strategy to BRAND the Democrats as unhinged, violent,
anti-God, open borders, elitist socialists is an effective strategy to gain voters among
independent, swing, and moderate Democrats for the re-election of Donald Trump
as President?
[ 98% ] YES [ 2% ] Somewhat a Factor [ 0% ] NO
Second Question: Do you know of any other conservative political action committee besides FedUp PAC
that is focused on 17 key battleground states with a strategy to BRAND the Democrats as
dangerous socialists using direct targeted marketing (videos, postal letters, emails, digital
ads, social media, pamphlets, and mini books)?
[ 100% ] NO [ 0% ] YES, it is _____________________________
Note: The unique FedUp PAC strategy
that uses new and alternative media
(postal letters, emails, videos, pamphlets,
mini-books, social media, digital ads, and
pocket cards) is targeting Evangelicals,
Catholics, Church-going African
Americans, Hispanics, Seniors, Married
Suburban Women, and Millennials in 17
key battleground states.
Third Question: How would you like to receive your insider 2020 campaign news updates from
FedUp PAC?
[ 6% ] Email [ 8%] Videos on FedUp Pac’s Website
[ 15%] Newsletters [ 0%] Issue Backgrounder Papers
[ 62%] Postal Letters [ 6%] TV & Radio
[ 0% ] Reading a FedUp PAC Blog [ 3%] New Website Postings
[ 0% ] Mini Books (small pocket paperbacks)
This program by FedUp PAC is an Independent Expenditure in support of re-electing President Trump. Donating is not a contribution to the
Donald J. Trump for President campaign committee and does not limit you in contributing to his official campaign committee.
8 Paid for by FedUp PAC. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.