Page 6 - FedUp_117_Newsletter
P. 6
(What Democrats’ Socialist “Open Borders” Policy Means to You and to America Continued fom Page 5)
Republicans were terrorized. - The American Spectator,
February 15, 2018
A restaurant owner in Lexington, Virginia, distraught
over President Trump’s election and policies, kicked
Sarah Huckabee Sanders (President Trump’s White
House Press Secretary) and her party out of his restaurant,
The Red Hen. - TMZ, June 12, 2018
The family of a young girl who went viral for
mocking Democratic New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-
Cortez shut down all of her social accounts Wednesday,
after receiving death threats and harassing phone calls. -, July 3, 2019
A 71-year-old staffer at Rep. Dana Rohrabacher’s
(R-CA-48) Huntington Beach office was knocked
unconscious during a protest . . . by a group calling
themselves Indivisible OC . . . which has pledged to resist
President Donald Trump’s agenda. - CBS Los Angeles,
February 15, 2017
Democrats Have Become
the Party of Mean and Evil
It’s bad enough that rank-and-file Democrats have
resorted to violence. Even more alarming is the trend of
Democrat leaders urging violence against conservatives
and Republicans, and even calling for vicious attacks
In Florida, police reported that a man intentionally tried to run against President Trump.
over Trump volunteers at a GOP voter registration site with his
van. This is just one of many violent acts aimed at conservatives Here are some of the more disturbing examples
and Trump supporters that the Democrats have failed to condemn. of Democrat leaders advocating violent behavior
A volunteer at U.C. Berkeley was helping Turning toward those who disagree with their views and vision
Point USA register conservative voters when a for America:
Lefty Trump-hater yelled obscenities at him before Biden Calls For Dems To Resort To
he cold-cocked him in the face. - National Review, Violence If They Don’t Get Their Way
March 22, 2019
Democrat Presidential Frontrunner Joe
Senator Rand Paul was blindsided by his neighbor Biden: “There are certain things where
while mowing the lawn. Sen. Paul received broken ribs, it just takes a brass knuckle fight,” Biden
a punctured lung, and complications from pneumonia said, calling for violence. - The Patriot
that resulted in his hospitalization because the neighbor Chronicles, June 19, 2019
didn’t agree with Paul’s politics. - The American Spectator,
February 15, 2018 “. . . cabinet members and highly visible
Trump enablers should expect harassment
On June 14, 2017 a crazed Democrat showed up at restaurants, gas stations, shopping places,
at a softball practice field outside of Washington DC, and even their homes . . .” - Rep. Maxine
after days of meticulous planning, to shoot and kill as Waters (D-CA-43), Real Clear Politics,
many Republicans as possible. Republican Majority June 25, 2018
Whip Steve Scalise was shot and nearly killed, two
Capitol Police officers were wounded, and the rest of the Presidential Candidate Senator Cory
(Continued on Page 7)