Page 94 - How To Analyze People: 13 Laws About the Manipulation of the Human Mind, 7 Strategies to Quickly Figure Out Body Language, Dive into Dark Psychology and Persuasion for Making People Do What You Want
P. 94
Everyone has their own unique way of writing, which is often just as unique
as their personalities. While graphology can provide a fun way of trying to
take a guess at what someone’s personality might be like, it is not the most
accurate measure out there, unlike reading body language cues for example.
It may not be the most accurate, but it can still reveal some interesting clues
about a person when you’re trying to gauge them just based on their
handwriting alone. Bigger personalities tend to write in larger letters while
shy, introverted individuals prefer smaller print. As for those who write in
between? Well, the average-sized handwriting is often an indication that
you have a stronger ability to concentrate and focus on the tasks that you
do. Other interesting clues to look for when you’re trying to practice some
graphology techniques of your own include:
Looking at the Space Between Words - The larger the space,
the more the person might be someone who enjoys their
independence and freedom. Those who prefer to write letters and
words which are squeeze closer together generally prefer the
company of others. If you’ve written out your sentences in a
manner where the words seem to be completely crammed
together, an analysis of that type of handwriting might suggest
your personality tends to be more intrusive.
Your Writing Slants - If your handwriting tends to slant
towards the right, you could be someone who likes meeting new
people. To the left indicates that you prefer to work alone and
that you’re introspective and reserved in nature.
The Pen Pressure Used - Did you know that even the kind of
pressure applied when you’re writing with your pen gives away
clues about your personality? Writing with pressure might
suggest that you’re feeling tense, stressed or even angry.